ECell: Spatial IT Design for Group Collaboration in School Environments

dc.contributor.authorBrodersen, Christina
dc.contributor.authorIversen, Ole Sejer
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we present the eCell; a temporary, collaborative niche for group work in school environments. The eCell consists of a private inner display and a public outer display located in unused public spaces e.g. in corridors and libraries throughout the school premises. The inner display is a large touch-sensitive screen connected to a standard computer. The outer display consists of a projection on a large semitransparent surface. Combined, the two displays comprise an IT-supported, collaborative environment especially suited for project based education. Through three iterations of design, we describe the technological, the spatial and the educational aspects of the eCell and outline its potential for supporting collaborative activities in a temporary niche, in which the architecture of the school itself reflects ongoing work. Thus, the eCell stimulates knowledge sharing, awareness and social interaction among pupils and teachers who are part of the school community.en
dc.publisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work
dc.subjectproject work
dc.subjectcollaborative environments
dc.subjectIT supported education
dc.titleECell: Spatial IT Design for Group Collaboration in School Environmentsen
gi.citation.publisherPlaceNew York, NY, USA
gi.conference.locationSanibel Island, Florida, USA

