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  • Text Document
    Insightful Illusions: Requirements Gathering for Large-Scale Groupware Systems
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) White, Kevin F.; Lutters, Wayne G.
    Large-scale, organization-wide groupware systems are high risk development efforts. Requirements gathering and early evaluation are constrained by the need to attain a critical mass of users and content. One approach to mitigate this risk is to employ Wizard of Oz style system simulations during the requirements gathering phase. While this method has historically been used to test quasi-functional system prototypes, we have found it to be a useful method for assessing organizational feasibility.
  • Text Document
    Searching for Expertise in Social Networks: A Simulation of Potential Strategies
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Zhang, Jun; Ackerman, Mark S.
    People search for people with suitable expertise all of the time in their social networks - to answer questions or provide help. Recently, efforts have been made to augment this searching. However, relatively little is known about the social characteristics of various algorithms that might be useful. In this paper, we examine three families of searching strategies that we believe may be useful in expertise location. We do so through a simulation, based on the Enron email data set. (We would be unable to suitably experiment in a real organization, thus our need for a simulation.) Our emphasis is not on graph theoretical concerns, but on the social characteristics involved. The goal is to understand the tradeoffs involved in the design of social network based searching engines.
  • Text Document
    Unraveling the Ordering in Persistent Chat: A New Message Ordering Feature
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Xiao, Lu; Litzinger, Jayne S.
    A common problem in chat is that the chat display only reveals the temporal order of the conversation. A better user interface is desired that reveals the logical order of the messages. The existing tree model groups messages that share the topic together. However, it does not reveal the temporal order of the messages. The temporal order is an important feature for a chat interface, as it is intuitive and similar to face-to-face conversation where people discuss issues following a sequential order. In this paper, we introduce a new message ordering chat feature that addresses the problem of logical ordering while keeping the temporal order of the chat. The trade offs of the new feature are discussed.
  • Text Document
    Real-World Oriented Information Sharing Using Social Networks
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Mori, Junichiro; Sugiyama, Tatsuhiko; Matsuo, Yutaka
    While users disseminate various information in the open and widely distributed environment of the Semantic Web, determination of who shares access to particular information is at the center of looming privacy concerns. We propose a real-world-oriented information sharing system that uses social networks. The system automatically obtains users' social relationships by mining various external sources. It also enables users to analyze their social networks to provide awareness of the information dissemination process. Users can determine who has access to particular information based on the social relationships and network analysis.
  • Text Document
    Matching Human Actors Based on Their Texts: Design and Evaluation of an Instance of the ExpertFinding Framework
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Reichling, Tim; Schubert, Kai; Wulf, Volker
    Bringing together human actors with similar interests, skills or expertise is a major challenge in community-based knowledge management. We believe that writing or reading textual documents can be an indicator for a human actor's interests, skills or expertise. In this paper, we describe an approach of matching human actors based on the similarity of text collections that can be attributed to them. By integrating standard methods of text analysis, we extract and match user profiles based on a large collection of documents. We present an instance of the ExpertFinder Framework which measures the similarity of these profiles by means of the Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) algorithm. The quality of the algorithmic approach was evaluated by comparing its results with judgments of different human actors.
  • Text Document
    DAView: A Linux WebDAV Client Supporting Effective Distributed Authoring
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Shin, Won-Joon; Kim, Dong-Ho; Lee, Myung-Joon
    Current authoring applications that support WebDAV, such as Word, Photoshop, or Dreamweaver, work by integrating WebDAV capabilities into the application. While this approach provides solid support for collaborative authoring, it is an expensive approach. To add remote authoring capabilities to WebDAV-unaware authoring tools with automatic lock management, we developed DAView running on Linux KDE. DAView provides a GUI view of a WebDAV server, similar to existing WebDAV-enabled file managers. Unique among WebDAV file managers, it also provides the ability to launch an authoring application from its WebDAV view with automatic lock management.
  • Text Document
    Analyzing Misconceptions in Multilingual Computer-Mediated Communication
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Yamashita, Naomi; Ishida, Toru
    Multilingual communities using machine translation to overcome language barriers are showing up with increasing frequency. However, when a large number of translation errors get mixed into conversation, it becomes difficult for users to fully understand each other. In this paper, we focus on misconceptions found in high volume in actual online conversations using machine translation. By comparing responses via machine translation and responses without machine translation, we extract two response patterns, which may be strongly related to the occurrence of misconceptions in machine translation-mediated communication. The two response patterns are that users tend to respond to short phrases of the original message and tend to trip on the wording of the original message when responding via machine translation.
  • Text Document
    Benefits of Synchronous Collaboration Support for an Application-Centered Analysis Team Working on Complex Problems: A Case Study
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Linebarger, John M.; Scholand, Andrew J.; Ehlen, Mark A.; Procopio, Michael J.
    A month-long quasi-experiment was conducted using a distributed team responsible for modeling, simulation, and analysis. Six experiments of three different time durations (short, medium, and long) were performed. The primary goal was to discover if synchronous collaboration capability through a particular application improved the ability of the team to form a common mental model of the analysis problem(s) and solution(s). The results indicated that such collaboration capability did improve the formation of common mental models, both in terms of time and quality (i.e., depth of understanding), and that the improvement did not vary by time duration. In addition, common mental models were generally formed by interaction around a shared graphical image, the progress of collaboration was not linear but episodic, and tasks that required drawing and conversing at the same time were difficult to do.
  • Text Document
    Why Everyone Loves to Text Message: Social Management with SMS
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Barkhuus, Louise
    This poster presents a study of SMS use among young adults and how they manage their social lives by SMS. It focuses on three features: overcoming shyness, facilitating 'appropriate behavior' and how users exploit the conciseness of messages. In conclusion we discuss the surprising value of this modest medium in people's everyday lives.
  • Text Document
    Taking Juxtaposition into Account: Supporting People's Work with Maps
    (Proceedings of the 2005 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005) Pettersson, Mårten; Olofsson, Sarah
    This poster presents research about how maps are used at an emergency service centre. It focus on emergency service operators' work practices, how they use maps in order to find the address and communicate to others the location of incidents, such as traffic accidents and fires. We analyse how the operators juxtapose the physical paper map with the computerised counterpart. When designing new technology there is a need to take juxtaposition into account.