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Introducing Third Party Objects into the Spatial Model of Interaction
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Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
We introduce an extension to the spatial model of interaction for CVEs called third party objects that provides support for contextual factors in awareness calculations and that enhances scaleability. Third parties can have two effects on awareness' attenuation or amplification of existing awareness relationships
and the introduction of new aggregate awareness relationships We propose a range of applications for third party objects including- world structuring regions, aggregate views, common foci, representational and group services, and dynamic load management. We present an implementation, the MASSIvE- 2 system, focusing on its network architecture of a dynamic and self-configuring hierarchy of multicast groups
and the introduction of new aggregate awareness relationships We propose a range of applications for third party objects including- world structuring regions, aggregate views, common foci, representational and group services, and dynamic load management. We present an implementation, the MASSIvE- 2 system, focusing on its network architecture of a dynamic and self-configuring hierarchy of multicast groups