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Matters of Data Care: From data-centric to domain-centric patient-centrism in the Health Tech Sector

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European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)


The increasing digitisation of the healthcare services, has transformed the provision of patient-centric care into data-centric healthcare. Researchers studied the effect of the increasing digitisation of healthcare by focusing on how the data workers in the public health care sector have been asymmetrically affected during this process, showing how care is enacted in the often-invisible human labour in algorithmic systems. In this paper we demonstrate how the value of patient-centrism becomes a multidimensional matter of data care for a diversity of domain experts handling health data. Enactments of patient-centrism are informed by the values and backgrounds of each “data-handler” situated within the values and concepts of their domain expertise. In particular, we demonstrate how patient-centrism manifests as care for data quality, care for data privacy and security and care for accessibility, shaped throughout by differentiated concerns for regulatory compliance.


Avlona, Natalia; Shklovski, Irina (2023): Matters of Data Care: From data-centric to domain-centric patient-centrism in the Health Tech Sector. Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. DOI: 10.48340/ecscw2023_ep12. European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). EISSN: 2510-2591. Exploratory Papers. Trondheim, Norway. 5 June - 09 June, 2023


