Conference Paper

The IKEA Catalogue: Design Fiction in Academic and Industrial Collaborations

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Association for Computing Machinery


This paper is an introduction to the Future IKEA Catalogue", enclosed here as an example of a design fiction produced from a long standing industrial-academic collaboration. We introduce the catalogue here by discussing some of our experiences using design fiction` with companies and public sector bodies, giving some background to the catalogue and the collaboration which produced it. We have found design fiction to be a useful tool to support collaboration with industrial partners in research projects - it provides a way of thinking and talking about present day concepts, and present day constraints, without being overly concerned with contemporary challenges, or the requirements of academic validation. In particular, there are two main aspects of this we will discuss here, aspects that are visible in the enclosed catalogue itself. The first is the potential of design fiction as a sort of 'boundary object' in industry and academic collaboration, and second the role of critique. After this introduction to the paper we enclose the output of our collaboration in the form of the catalogue itself."


Brown, Barry; Bleecker, Julian; D'Adamo, Marco; Ferreira, Pedro; Formo, Joakim; Glöss, Mareike; Höök, Kristina; Johnson, Eva-Carin Banka; Kaburuan, Emil; Karlsson, Anna; Vaara, Elsa; Laaksolahti, Jarmo; Lampinen, Airi; Leahu, Lucian; Lewandowski, Vincent; McMillan, Donald; Mellbratt, Anders; Mercurio, Johanna; Norlin, Cristian; Nova, Nicolas; Pizza, Stefania; Rostami, Asreen; Sundquist, Mårten; Tollmar, Konrad; Tsaknaki, Vasiliki; Wang, Jinyi; Windlin, Charles; Ydholm, Mikael (2016): The IKEA Catalogue: Design Fiction in Academic and Industrial Collaborations. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work. DOI: 10.1145/2957276.2957298. Association for Computing Machinery. pp. 335–344. Sanibel Island, Florida, USA


