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  • Conference Paper
    Designing for Inclusion: Supporting Gender Diversity in Independent Innovation Teams
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Hui, Julie S.; Farnham, Shelly D.
    We study how independent innovation teams develop an environment of inclusion to support gender diversity. Through a mixed-methods study involving surveys and interviews with people involved in independent innovation, we sought to better understand the mechanisms by which their teams fostered a sense of inclusion to support gender diversity via interpersonal practices and communication and collaboration technology usage. By understanding how inclusion supports gender diversity, we discuss design implications to help more diverse independent innovation teams form and function.
  • Conference Paper
    Curating an Infinite Basement: Understanding How People Manage Collections of Sentimental Artifacts
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Jones, Jasmine; Ackerman, Mark S.
    Valuable memories are increasingly captured and stored as digital artifacts. However, as people amass these digital mementos, their collections are rarely curated, due to the volume of content, the effort involved, and a general lack of motivation, which can result in important artifacts being obscured and forgotten in an accumulation of content over time. Our study aims to better understand the challenges and goals of people dealing with large collections, and to provide insight into how people select and pay attention to large collections of digital mementos. We conducted an interpretivist analysis of forum data from, where participants discussed issues they face in curating the sentimental artifacts in their homes. We uncovered a number of social, temporal, and spatial affordances and concerns that influence the ways that people curate their memories, and discuss how curation is closely tied to how people use storage and display in their home. In our study, we drew out and unpack curation regimes" as patterns that people enact to focus the attention they are able to pay to the artifacts in their collections. We close with a discussion of the design opportunities for memory artifacts, which support and facilitate the curatorial processes of users managing digital mementos in everyday life."
  • Conference Paper
    Operational Transformation for Real-Time Synchronization of Shared Workspace in Cloud Storage
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Ng, Agustina; Sun, Chengzheng
    Cloud storage is widely used to share and collaborate on files over the Internet; consistency maintenance of replicated files in the face of concurrency is a major challenge. In this paper, we present a novel CSOT (Cloud Storage Operational Transformation) solution to support real-time file synchronization in front-end cloud storage and achieve consistent and desirable concurrent operation combined-effects that cannot be fully achieved by any existing cloud storage systems. We have formally verified algorithmic correctness of CSOT, built a proof-of-concept implementation, and experimentally compared results produced by CSOT and three industrial cloud storage systems, Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox, under the same collection of concurrent operation testing cases. CSOT is the first to extend OT consistency maintenance capability to shared workspaces in cloud storage and contributes to advancement of cloud-based collaboration technologies.
  • Conference Paper
    Enhancing Evaluation of Potential Romantic Partners Online
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Zytko, Douglas
    Online dating systems are a common way to discover romantic partners. Yet there persists a gap in knowledge regarding how users of these systems determine which potential partners are worthy of in-person meetings, as well as the outcomes of these in-person meeting decisions. The objective of this dissertation is two-fold: 1) to understand how online dating system users make decisions to meet or not meet potential romantic partners in-person, and 2) to understand how online dating system designs currently support--and could better support--predictions of initial in-person attraction to potential romantic partners.
  • Conference Paper
    Seeing Work: Constructing Visions of Work in and through Data
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Wolf, Christine T.
    My dissertation research explores the role technologies play in shaping how work practices are seen, imagined, and valued. I focus on how data remnants and traces, the technological residue left in the wake of human-computer interactions, become anchors that orient the construction of seeing work within an organization. To examine this, I draw on ethnographic fieldwork at a high tech firm and focus on efforts to reinvent an email client. I explore how seeing work in and through trace data paints increasingly narrow and modular portraits of work, reframing the contours and potential of vision and visibility in the workplace.
  • Conference Paper
    Understanding and Supporting Document-Based Knowledge Transfer with Moderator-Learner Interaction
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Yang, Chi-Lan
    Knowledge transfer in workplace, in which job-related knowledge and skills are transferred from a more experienced worker to a novice (e.g., a new employee), is common and crucial for organizations to keep transactive memory effective and avoid productivity loss. Organizational and other constraints may require expert-to-novice knowledge transfer to occur through the mediation of external artifacts (e.g., documents) or a third-party individual (e.g., human moderator), raising the need to understand how properties of such mediation influence the process and outcome of knowledge transfer. In my doctoral study, I aim to gain deeper understanding and implications for knowledge transfer designs.
  • Conference Paper
    Towards Re-Orienting the Big Data Rhetoric
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Verma, Nitya
    Data analytics and BI (business intelligence) systems are the most prominent user-facing manifestation of 'big data' and the related computational turn in thinking within organizations. However, the big data mythologies-specifically that data can offer more accurate, objective and truthful forms of intelligence and knowledge-impact, reinforce, and reproduce certain epistemological biases. In my research, I study these big data technologies in human services related contexts to examine knowledge claims and the strengths and limitations of big data.
  • Conference Paper
    Enhancing Visibility of Distance Learners To Promote Sense Of Community
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Sun, Na
    Communities comprised of students enrolled in distance education differ from traditional students in residential campus sites not only in the separation of distance and time and the invisibility of peers, but also because the majority of the members are adult learners. My research is dedicated to promoting online students' sense of community and collective community efficacy by enhancing the visibility of students' relevant information and connections with others in the online educational setting. Following a user-centered design approach, I am probing the stakeholders' needs and building prototypes grounded in these findings. With iterative evaluations in the field and lab studies, I aim to build and evaluate the impacts of these interactive visualizations on distance students' sense of community.
  • Conference Paper
    Taking a More Balanced Approach to Adolescent Mobile Safety
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Ghosh, Arup Kumar
    Adolescent online safety is becoming more challenging as teens are prolifically using mobile smart phones. Parental control applications (apps") are available, but, the adoption rates of such apps are remarkably low and may not adequately address the problem at hand. To examine this further, we propose three studies 1) a structured analysis of existing adolescent online safety apps, 2) a survey-based study to confirm our hypotheses that the values embedded in the features of these existing apps are sub-optimal, and 3) building a prototype of a new online safety app with features that better meet the needs of parents and teens."
  • Conference Paper
    High Responsiveness for Group Editing CRDTs
    (Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2016) Briot, Loïck; Urso, Pascal; Shapiro, Marc
    Group editing is a crucial feature for many end-user applications. It requires high responsiveness, which can be provided only by optimistic replication algorithms, which come in two classes: classical Operational Transformation (OT), or more recent Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs).Typically, CRDTs perform better on downstream operations, i.e., when merging concurrent operations than OT, because the former have logarithmic complexity and the latter quadratic. However, CRDTs are often less responsive, because their upstream complexity is linear. To improve this, this paper proposes to interpose an auxiliary data structure, called the identifier data structure in front of the base CRDT. The identifier structure ensures logarithmic complexity and does not require replication or synchronization. Combined with a block-wise storage approach, this approach improves upstream execution time by several orders of magnitude, with negligeable impact on memory occupation, network bandwidth, and downstream execution performance.