Conference Paper
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Knowledge and Expertise Sharing for Coordination in Digitalization Production Contexts
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European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)
In the process of ongoing digitalization of the production world, manufacturing companies are increasingly faced with the challenge of using new technologies to maintain their competitiveness. In this context, knowledge and expertise sharing is becoming more and more important, which may increase the requirements for articulation and coordination in cooperative settings. CSCW systems can potentially support these cooperation processes by promoting interaction between employees and supporting the formation of awareness. However, awareness can be related to factors of leadership and motivation and influence required learning processes through ongoing digitalization as well. As the use of CSCW systems affects technical, environmental and organizational factors of group work, knowledge and expertise sharing at different and between hierarchical levels also needs to be considered. Furthermore, group performance often is influenced by social forces and norms that act as group effects on group behavior. This is a qualitative research to explore the relationships of awareness, leadership, motivation, and learning processes and their influence on knowledge and expertise sharing in hierarchies, taking into account social processes in cooperative settings. The research focus is on small and medium-sized companies of the metalworking industry, which are in constant digitalization.