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  • Journal Article
    (Re)Configuring Hybrid Meetings: Moving from User-Centered Design to Meeting-Centered Design
    (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 29, 2020) Saatçi, Banu; Akyüz, Kaya; Rintel, Sean; Klokmose, Clemens Nylandsted
    Despite sophisticated technologies for representational fidelity in hybrid meetings, in which co-located and remote participants collaborate via video or audio, meetings are still often disrupted by practical problems with trying to include remote participants. In this paper, we use micro-analysis of three disruptive moments in a hybrid meeting from a global software company to unpack blended technological and conversational practices of inclusion and exclusion. We argue that designing truly valuable experiences for hybrid meetings requires moving from the traditional, essentialist, and perception-obsessed user-centered design approach to a phenomenological approach to the needs of meetings themselves. We employ the metaphor of ‘configuring the meeting’ to propose that complex ecologies of people, technology, spatial, and institutional organization must be made relevant in the process of design.
  • Journal Article
    Streaming your Identity: Navigating the Presentation of Gender and Sexuality through Live Streaming
    (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 29, 2020) Freeman, Guo; Wohn, Donghee Yvette
    The digital presentation of gender and sexuality has been a long-standing concern in HCI and CSCW. There is also a growing interest in exploring more nuanced presentations of identity afforded in emerging online social spaces that have not been thoroughly studied. In this paper, we endeavor to contribute towards this research agenda in yet another new media context -- live streaming -- by analyzing female and LGBTQ streamers’ practices to present and manage their gender identity and sexual identity. Our findings highlight streamers’ gender representation and sexual representation as a demonstration of controlling their own bodies, an awareness of the audiences and the resistance to their expectations, and an exhibition of the affordances and power structure of the specific online social space. We extend existing studies on live streaming by exploring the understudied gender identity and sexual identity aspect of the streaming practices. We also highlight the less audience/performance-oriented but more self-driven aspect of digital representations and the importance of affirmation and empowerment in this process. We add nuance to the existing HCI/CSCW studies on gender and sexuality by investigating a highly dynamic, interactive, and multilayered self-presentation mechanism emerging in live streaming and point to the need for potential new lenses to analyze technology-supported identity construction.
  • Journal Article
    Brokerbot: A Cryptocurrency Chatbot in the Social-technical Gap of Trust
    (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 30, 2021) Lee, Minha; Frank, Lily; Ijsselsteijn, Wijnand
    Cryptocurrencies are proliferating as instantiations of blockchain, which is a transparent, distributed ledger technology for validating transactions. Blockchain is thus said to embed trust in its technical design. Yet, blockchain’s technical promise of trust is not fulfilled when applied to the cryptocurrency ecosystem due to many social challenges stakeholders experience. By investigating a cryptocurrency chatbot (Brokerbot) that distributed information on cryptocurrency news and investments, we explored social tensions of trust between stakeholders, namely the bot’s developers, users, and the bot itself. We found that trust in Brokerbot and in the cryptocurrency ecosystem are two conjoined, but separate challenges that users and developers approached in different ways. We discuss the challenging, dual-role of a Brokerbot as an object of trust as a chatbot while simultaneously being a mediator of trust in cryptocurrency, which exposes the social-technical gap of trust. Lastly, we elaborate on trust as a negotiated social process that people shape and are shaped by through emerging ecologies of interlinked technologies like blockchain and conversational interfaces.
  • Journal Article
    Tensions in Representing Behavioral Data in an Electronic Health Record
    (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 30, 2021) Marcu, Gabriela; Dey, Anind K.; Kiesler, Sara
  • Journal Article
    shARe-IT: Ad hoc Remote Troubleshooting through Augmented Reality
    (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 30, 2021) Ludwig, Thomas; Stickel, Oliver; Tolmie, Peter; Sellmer, Malte
    10 years ago, Castellani et al. (Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, vol. 18, no. 2–3, 2009, pp. 199–227, 2009) showed that using just an audio channel for remote troubleshooting can lead to a range of problems and already envisioned a future in which augmented reality (AR) could solve many of these issues. In the meantime, AR technologies have found their way into our everyday lives and using such technologies to support remote collaboration has been widely studied within the fields of Human-Computer Interaction and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work. In this paper, we contribute to this body of research by reporting on an extensive empirical study within a Fab Lab of troubleshooting and expertise sharing and the potential relevance of articulation work to their realization. Based on the findings of this study, we derived design challenges that led to an AR-based concept, implemented as a HoloLens application, called shARe-it. This application is designed to support remote troubleshooting and expertise sharing through different communication channels and AR-based interaction modalities. Early testing of the application revealed that novel interaction modalities such as AR-based markers and drawings play only a minor role in remote collaboration due to various limiting factors. Instead, the transmission of a shared view and especially arriving at a shared understanding of the situation as a prerequisite for articulation work continue to be the decisive factors in remote troubleshooting.
  • Journal Article
    Immersive Cooperative Work Environments (CWE): Designing Human-Building Interaction in Virtual Reality
    (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 30, 2021) Bjørn, Pernille; Wulff, Marc; Schmidt Petræus, Mathias; Holten Møller, Naja
    We propose to extend CSCW research to include the design of buildings for cooperative work and to engage in designing Human-Building Interaction supporting cooperative practices. Concretely, we design and implement an immersive Cooperative Work Environment in Virtual Reality using real-life 3D architectural models of a hospital. We then invite healthcare practitioners to cooperatively resuscitate patients experiencing cardiac arrest in an immersive Cooperative Work Environment. This enabled the healthcare practitioners to identify critical functional errors (e.g. how asymmetric door design compromised resurrection practices in certain situations) that were not detected through other available architectural representations. Based upon our research, we identify three design dimensions essential to creating immersive Cooperative Work Environments: 1) the cooperative dimension, structured as the design of interdependence, articulation work, awareness, and grounding; 2) the professional work dimension, structured as the design of work practices, policies, artefacts, and professional language; and 3) the spatiotemporal dimension, structured as the design of loci and mobility. We also identified temporal orientation as a cross-spanning category relevant for all three design dimensions essential to participants’ navigating of the building. Temporal orientation in an immersive Cooperative Work Environment must accommodate the experience of sequential time, clock time, and action time.
  • Journal Article
    Context-based Automated Responses of Unavailability in Mobile Messaging
    (Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Vol. 30, 2021) Jain, Pranut; Farzan, Rosta; Lee, Adam J.