Conference Paper
Perception Change With Ubiquitous AR in Social and Individual Scenarios
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European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)
AR will become ubiquitous and with it, many challenges emerge in a socio-technical context. Given the wide range of devices not all AR is made equal. From what the AR is technically capable of, to who is using it, and how it looks; there are different perceptions of different devices. From the heterogeneous landscape of AR, the social circumstances of informational inequality can emerge giving way to a social advantage or hierarchy. Furthermore, when AR becomes ubiquitous, it can be used to mediate perceptions of reality which can be applied in moderating communication in a multi-user environment [Mann (2002)]. In this Doctoral Consortium (DC) paper I motivate a vision, outline some challenges, report on progress already made and speculate the next steps in how to understand and direct the influence of perceptions to overcome, rather than increase the prevalence of social inequality.