ECSCW 2020 Doctoral Colloquium

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  • Conference Paper
    Diversifying Smart Home Contexts
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Dankwa, Nana Kesewaa
    Advances in smart home technological innovation over the years has seen an increase in consumer interests. However, research contexts for smart homes tend to skew towards “traditional” living and housing situations. Through my Ph.D. research, I raise awareness of the need to consider other user contexts and living situations. I do this by exploring opportunities for smart home innovation with elderly women who live alone. I work with the elderly women to understand their values, needs, and collaboratively create new smart home devices. The outcome of my research would be smart home devices that support the lives and contexts of elderly women living alone.
  • Conference Paper
    Improving collaboration in design thinking teams through automated coaches
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Kohl, Steffi
    Effective collaboration requires practice, reflection, and awareness of group dynamics. Expert coaches can facilitate learning these skills. However, while ideal, it is economically not feasible to have a coach for every team in every meeting. Emerging technology, such as sociometric badges, provide a promising opportunity to harness data about interactions to make collocated collaboration visible. These data can help researchers, designers, and users understand the complexity of collaboration and subsequently find means to improve them. This paper introduces a line of multidisciplinary research combining organisational science, business, and computer science. It aims to understand how communication patterns of design thinking teams in real world organizations are related to team performance, with the purpose of building automated coaches. The outcomes of this paper have potential applications in computer assisted coaching and contribute to the body of knowledge spanning multiple fields. It is hoped that the interdisciplinary nature of this research will promote the flow of ideas between social and computer sciences.
  • Conference Paper
    Technical and Affective Practices. An Investigation of Service Robots in Nursing Environments
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Paluch, Richard
    This overview explains the first steps of a participatory design project. The aim is to evaluate a service robot for nursing with a qualitative approach and to explore technical and affective practices. The data will be analyzed with practice theory related to the grounded design paradigm. Expert interviews with five care workers and five IT specialists in the field of robotics will be conducted during 2020. Afterwards a series of participatory workshops with participants in need will be carried out focusing on the practices related to robots in caring settings.
  • Conference Paper
    Design Fundamentals of Wearable Technology
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Ruston, Olivia
    Wearable technologies have the potential to integrate information that has meaning for people as they go about their everyday lives. In particular they can reflect aspects of the social environment, extending the periphery of the person and allowing them to experience social encounters with greater depth. This research concerns the indicative qualities of interactive clothing to support social relations in informal settings.
  • Conference Paper
    Understanding Developers’ Linguistic Behaviors in Hierarchical Open Source Communities
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Han, Yisi
    Online communication among developers is critical for the success of Open Source Software (OSS) communities. As a typical complex sociotechnical system, an OSS community often forms a hierarchical structure in which a few developers are elite while the rest are non-elite. The differences in social status among developers would unavoidably result in different linguistic behaviors. I sought to develop an understanding towards such differences in linguistic behaviors and how they influence project outcomes. Using data from GITHUB, I designed three interrelated studies. The first will characterize such differences at a collective level. The second will further explore the dynamic changes on linguistic behaviors with the focus on individual developers who experience non-elite and elite transitions. The last aims to quantify the impacts of linguistic behaviors on project outcomes. I also plan to build a tool to help developers achieve better communication within and across hierarchies
  • Conference Paper
    Understanding and Supporting Daily Planning in Knowledge Work
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Ahmetoglu, Yoana
    Daily planning habits and skills have an impact on workers’ productivity and job performance. While daily planning is essential for modern work, daily plans can often be challenging to execute. My PhD research has investigated the errors and challenges knowledge workers experience when planning their work day. A diary study was conducted with 20 academics as participants to learn how tasks are planned at the start of the day and which tasks are actually completed during the day. Results showed that while participants were good at estimating the duration of time-constrained tasks, they were not very good at estimating the duration of less time-constrained tasks (e.g. the time needed for email and coding tasks was underestimated, whereas the time needed for writing research and planning activities was overestimated). My future work aims to develop and test planning and scheduling (AI) tools to better support knowledge workers daily planning habits and overcome these time estimation biases in their work.
  • Conference Paper
    Perception Change With Ubiquitous AR in Social and Individual Scenarios
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Eghtebas, Chloe
    AR will become ubiquitous and with it, many challenges emerge in a socio-technical context. Given the wide range of devices not all AR is made equal. From what the AR is technically capable of, to who is using it, and how it looks; there are different perceptions of different devices. From the heterogeneous landscape of AR, the social circumstances of informational inequality can emerge giving way to a social advantage or hierarchy. Furthermore, when AR becomes ubiquitous, it can be used to mediate perceptions of reality which can be applied in moderating communication in a multi-user environment [Mann (2002)]. In this Doctoral Consortium (DC) paper I motivate a vision, outline some challenges, report on progress already made and speculate the next steps in how to understand and direct the influence of perceptions to overcome, rather than increase the prevalence of social inequality.
  • Conference Paper
    Risk prediction and decision making in policing – Humans, Algorithms and Data. (A study of processes at Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire police)
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Kazeem, Ganiat
    My inductive interpretivist study focusses on understanding of the police process of information collection/acquisition, management and exploitation during risk assessments and decision making in the counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire located outside the metropolitan area. It is examining the role of humans in the production (through interactions with staff in police control rooms), generation (during day to day policing) and creation (through intelligence collected via community policing and detectives investigating focused criminal issues) of information through ethnography. It is focussed on gathering narratives and perspectives to enable an understanding of the information cycle in policing and nature (culture, context, practices, processes) of information collection, management, use and exploitation and determining how these shape the use and exploitation of data generated. It also considers the critical issues related to use of information for risk assessment and decision making in policing using advanced metrics or statistics, algorithms and other advanced technologies.
  • Conference Paper
    Trustworthy chatbots assisting large-scale collaboration
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Amiot, Clélie 
    Cognitive assistants are a promising solution to the increasing complexity of large-scale collaboration. By providing support in data processing and decision making, they could lighten the cognitive load put on human collaborators. More precisely, conversational agents are especially suited to large-scale collaboration as they are user-friendly and could be integrated into existing collaboration tools. However, to be successfully integrated into the collaboration process, the assistant needs to be trusted. My doctoral research aims to identify which factors determine trust in a chatbot’s advice during collaboration.
  • Conference Paper
    AI for teams: The future of assisted collaborative work
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Niklasson, Axel
    My ethnographic fieldwork is focused on the role of artificial intelligence in the workplace, building on well-established themes in CSCW and also identifying new challenges in observations of distributed agencies and skill in collaborative work. Grounded in an increased and varied academic interest in the environments, policies and rights related to the future of work and a strong industry narrative around ways of work made possible by technology, I am interested in the deep change aspirations of artificial intelligence and machine learning applications and their role in a push for “digital transformation.” I seek to complement extensive but seemingly narrow studies of e.g. bias, trust and explanation in specific implementations where these fail to capture concerns we should have for work. Broadly, I want to ask, What is it that we’re trying to digitally transform with artificial intelligence? What happens in that transformation? How can we zoom out and expand our frame of reference?