ECSCW 2022 Demos and Posters

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  • Conference Paper
    Augmented-Reality Approaches in Computer Supported Collaborative Sports: Early Empirical Insights explored from and designed with with Sport Associations
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Unbehaun, David; Mall, Christoph; Ellinger, Jan; Coskun, Aydin; Jensen, Jule; Aal, Konstantin; Rüller, Sarah; Moritz,Eckehard; Meixner, Charlotte; Plangger, Urban; Wulf, Volker
    This work presents a practice-based design and research approach that was used to explore individual, contextual, and institutional requirements, conceptualize and design AR-based Outdoor-scenarios for individual and joint activities in outdoor sports. Based on the need for social interaction and computer-supported collaborative sports and the decreasing physical activity across all ages, game scenarios for the context of outdoor sports were formulated and implemented with a head-worn multimodal AR interface. Members from seven different sports associations were interviewed and design workshops conducted to understand how to design AR-applications to promote an active lifestyle. The prototype and approach presented here will serve to discuss and reflect our future research activities, methodological concepts, and experiences in the field of HCI, CSCS, CSCW, and Design Communities.
  • Conference Paper
    Cultural Design Compass: Who Do You Design For?
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Stojko, Laura
    The cultural background of our users and its impact on using technology as well as the cultural background of the developers and its infuence on design decisions, is often not considered in research. This paper demonstrates how to self-assess previously derived design recommendations regarding cultural preferences and how to discover potential for improvement. Therefore, 52 design recommendations for large public displays were assigned to cultural dimensions of Hofstede. They were derived by our research group within the last 4 years. As a result, a cultural design compass was developed, visualizing the distribution of design recommendations across the cultural dimensions and indicating areas of focus (e.g. high uncertainty avoidance). The distribution of design recommendations among the cultural dimensions almost completely coincide with Hofstede’s cultural dimension indices for the German culture, showing that there is a high chance to subconsciously derive design recommendations based on our own cultural imprint. In addition, the compass can be used to incorporate cultural indices of other user groups and nationalities to identify design aspects that need improvement. Consequently, without having in mind that cultural preferences and differences exist, the design may not ft u sers w ith d ifferent c ultural b ackgrounds. T he c ultural d esign c ompass s hould support future research within human-computer- interaction to design more precisely for a particular user group, to better classify design recommendations, and to verify whether they match the required users’ cultural preferences.
  • Conference Paper
    Designing Multimodal Augmented- Reality Approaches in Sports: Collaborative and Competitive Scenarios for Individual and Group-based Outdoor Interaction
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Unbehaun, David; Coskun, Aydin; Jensen, Jule; Aal, Konstantin; Rüller, Sarah; Wulf, Volker
    This work presents a prototype for a multimodal and augmented (AR) based System designed for individual and joint activities in outdoor sports. Based on the need for social interaction and computer-supported collaborative sports and the decreasing physical activity across all ages, game scenarios for the context of outdoor sports were formulated and implemented with a head-worn multimodal AR interface. The System's innovation, flexibility, and multimodality found the basis for multiple use cases, such as professional and leisure, individual and group contexts. The technical infrastructure allows multimodal experiences while tracking and monitoring data such as movement speed, location, and heart rate. Within several game scenarios, players can cooperatively and competitively challenge themselves and other players to improve their physical activity playfully. This work is an inspiration and orientation for future research, development, and design of gamified AR exercising technologies.
  • Conference Paper
    Introduction and adaptation of an urban neighborhood platform for rural areas
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Struzek, David; Kirschsieper, Dennis; Müller, Claudia
    Various digital tools can be used to strengthen neighborhoods. This paper reports on a publicly funded participatory cross-sectional project in six German villages. In order to fulfill requirements of the villages, which were identified in citizen workshops together with local stakeholders, a selection procedure was carried out and the decision was made to use an already existing and known neighborhood platform. We demonstrate the challenges posed by the fact that the platform was not actually designed for the specific requirements of rural villages, but for larger cities or urban areas, so that various processes of adaptation and implementation had to be carried out. We reflect trade-offs and negotiations between research-led and community-oriented demands in the introduction and adaptation phase of the neighborhood platform in respect to usage motivations and roles of local stakeholder groups.
  • Conference Paper
    Redistricting Practices in Public Schools: Social Progress or Necessity?
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Sistrunk, Andrea; Biswas, Subhodip; Self, Nathan; Luther, Kurt; Ramakrishnan, Naren
    Redistrict, a fully integrated web interface, proposes a new platform for proximity-based public schools boundary deliberations. It has been pilot-tested on one school system in the US and aims to shift, educate, and bring visibility to policy and geographical constraints. It extends current deliberations’ state of practice, held in person or over video conference using static pdf/printed maps. This research draws knowledge from computer science, educational policy, social sciences, and geographic information systems (GIS) to allow public school officials, parents, and community at large to compute “what if ” scenarios towards a better understanding, discovery learning, and optimization when redesigning school attendance zones. We explore possible areas of improvement for the broader community to cast an informed, unique vote, while maintaining privacy, supporting ingenuity, and transparency. This speculative research prototype creates space to support a concrete path of much needed advancement in complex social deliberation using interdisciplinary research.
  • Conference Paper
    Designing ground truth for Machine Learning - conceptualisation of a collaborative design process between medical professionals and data scientists
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Zajac, Hubert Dariusz
    The development of Machine Learning (ML) models is a complex process consisting of several iterative steps like problem definition, data collection and processing, feature engineering, model training, and evaluation. While the amount of research on ML model development is growing, little is known about the design process of ground truth in datasets that serve as the backbone of many ML-based systems. Design choices made before the labelling process often become invisible, and the ground truth becomes an infrastructural part of the data, which prevents it from being inspected in the event of problems at the later stages of the data science cycle. I conducted observations of the collaborative work of radiologists and data scientists on ground truth design. I report on the adopted process divided into three stages: Stage 1 - assessment of data requirements and labelling practices; Stage 2 - design and evaluation of label structure; and Stage 3 - design and evaluation of labelling tool. Moreover, I introduce two activities of Stage 2: ideation and stress test to design high-quality labels. At last, I pose outstanding questions to unpack the tensions and motivations observed during the ethnographic work.
  • Conference Paper
    Co-Creating a Research Data Infrastructure with Social Policy Researchers
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Molina León, Gabriela; Skitalinskaya, Gabriella; Düpont, Nils; Klaff, Jonas; Schlegel, Anton; Heuer, Hendrik; Breiter, Andreas
    We present a case study on co-creating a research data infrastructure together with social policy researchers. Over three years, we investigated how the social scientists worked with data, and designed a collaborative system to support them in the harmonization, validation, exploration, and sharing of research data. We conducted several co-creation workshops, interviews, surveys, and user studies not only to co-design the system but also to assess the benefts and limitations of our participatory approach for this interdisciplinary collaboration. The evaluation uncovered that the researchers were satisfed with the processes and tools that we developed, and that the system was successfully adopted. We found that when working in a large interdisciplinary project, especially in the context of social policy research, it is critical to assess the status of the data early on, and to discuss how the group and individual goals connect with each other, to ensure long-term engagement and commitment.
  • Conference Paper
    Datashare: exploring the potential of reusing data for third sector organisations to support their collaboration
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Saienko, Olena; De Paoli, Stefano; Donald, Iain
    This paper describes a Participatory design case study on how the reuse of context. While many Third Sector Organisations collect data about their own services and existing data can local communities’ needs, this data is rarely reused by the organisation or shared with others, due to a lack of resources and funding. To explore this issue, we have engaged in Participatory Design research with six locally based social organisations from Scotland. As an outcome of this research, the organisations have imagined the concept of the “Datashare” platform. This is a platform that would allow reusing and sharing of their data by exchanging it widely through the sector and beyond. The paper contributes to knowledge by bringing reflections on the role of the PD process in fostering open data culture for collaboration for Third Sector Organisations highlighting the potential impact of the designed solution.
  • Conference Paper
    Cooking Stories: Connecting Remote Families Through the Sharing of Cooking Experiences
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Modi, Forum; LeFevre, Colin; Dinesh, Nikhil; Panicker, Aswati; Chung, Chia-Fang
    Families can facilitate beneficial discussions on healthy eating, and in so doing provide important support for each other's health habits. However, distance, e.g., an adult child moving away, makes this interchange more challenging. In this paper, we introduce Cooking Stories, a research tool designed to investigate how the sharing of cooking experiences between remote families can be supported by HCI researchers. We conducted an IRB approved interview study with five participants between the ages of 20-67. Preliminary findings indicated that Cooking Stories addressed sharing barriers that study participants had experienced in previous systems. Based upon our participants’ engagement with the Cooking Stories prototype, we identified three themes: focusing on cooking experiences, incorporating cooking processes, and emphasizing familial community. We discuss the potential for these themes to be expounded upon by future work, in order to better support the sharing of full cooking experiences between distanced family members.
  • Conference Paper
    Explanation Preferences in XAI Fact- Checkers
    (Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2022) Lim, Gionnieve; Perrault, Simon T.
    As misinformation grows rampantly, fact-checking has become an inordinate task that calls for automation. While there has been much advancement in the identification of misinformation using artificial intelligence (AI), these systems tend to be opaque, fulfilling little of what fact-checking does to convince users of its evaluation. A proposition for this is the use of explainable AI (XAI) to reveal the decision-making processes of the AI. As research on XAI fact- checkers accumulate, investigating user attitudes on the use of AI in fact-checking and towards different styles of explanations will contribute to an understanding of explanation preferences in XAI fact-checkers. We present the preliminary results of a perception study with 22 participants, finding a clear preference towards explanations mimicking organic fact-checking practices and towards explanations that use texts or that contain more details. These early findings may guide the design of XAI to enhance the performance of the human-AI system.