ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work

21-25 September 2013, Coral Beach Hotel & Resort, Paphos, Cyprus

This volume presents the proceedings of ECSCW 2013, the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Each conference offers an occasion to critically review our research field, which has been multidisciplinary and committed to high scientific standards, both theoretical and methodological, from its beginning. The papers this year focus on work and the enterprise as well as on the challenges of involving citizens, patients, etc. into collaborative settings. The papers embrace new theories, and discuss known ones. They contribute to the discussions on the blurring boundaries between home and work and on the ways we think about and study work. They introduce recent and emergent technologies, and study known social and collaborative technologies. With contributions from all over the world, the papers in interesting ways help focus on the European perspective in our community. The 15 papers selected for this conference deal with and reflect the lively debate currently ongoing in our field of research.

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    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013)
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    Dwelling in Software: Aspects of the felt-life of engineers in large software projects
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Harper, Richard; Bird, Christian; Zimmermann, Tom; Murphy, Brendan
    The organizational and social aspects of software engineering (SE) are now increasingly well investigated. This paper proposes that there are a number of approaches taken in research that can be distinguished not by their method or topic but by the different views they construct of the human agent acting in SE. These views have implications for the pragmatic outcome of the research, such as whether systems design suggestions are made, proposals for the development of practical reasoning tools or the effect of Social Network Systems on engineer’s sociability. This paper suggests that these studies tend to underemphasize the felt-life of engineers, a felt-life that is profoundly emotional though played in reference to ideas of moral propriety and ethics. This paper will present a study of this felt-life, suggesting it consists of a form of digital dwelling. The perspective this view affords are contrasted with process and ‘scientific’ approaches to the human agent in SE, and with the more humanistic studies of SE reasoning common in CSCW.
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    Moving healthcare to the home: the work to make homecare work
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Bratteteig, Tone; Wagner, Ina
    The paper discusses the work of care recipients, informal caregivers, and the larger networks that are involved in homecare work. It discusses different kinds of work, and also if all the tasks involved in homecare could and should be labeled work. Finally, the paper looks into what kinds of work is delegated to machines and how this affects the work performed by people. One of the main conclusions from this analysis is that seeing the many different kinds of work that go into making homecare work is a good basis for designing alternative AAL solutions.
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    Physicians’ progress notes The integrative core of the medical record
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Bansler, Jørgen P.; Havn, Erling; Mønsted, Troels; Schmid,t Kjeld; Svendsen, Jesper Hastrup
    This paper examines physicians’ progress notes, an artifact that, in spite of its obvious importance in the coordination of cooperative work in clinical settings, has not been subjected to systematic study under CSCW auspices. While several studies have addressed the role of the medical record in patient care, they have not dealt specifically with the role, structure, and content of the progress notes. As a consequence, CSCW research has not yet taken fully into account the fact that progress notes are coordinative artifacts of a rather special kind, an open-ended chain of prose texts, written sequentially by cooperating physicians for their own use as well as for that of their colleagues. We argue that progress notes are the core of the medical record, in that they marshal and summarize the overwhelming amount of data that is available in the modern hospital environment, and that their narrative format is uniquely adequate for the pivotal epistemic aspect of cooperative clinical work: the narrative format enables physicians to not only record ‘facts’ but also – by filtering, interpreting, organizing, and qualifying information – to make sense and act concertedly under conditions of uncertainty and contingency.
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    The Collaborative Work of Heritage: Open Challenges for CSCW
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Ciolfi, Luigina
    This paper discusses seminal contributions by and current open challenges for CSCW in the study of cultural heritage practices. It provides an overview of key issues relating to social and cooperative interactions - particularly around the design and use of technology - at heritage sites that have emerged in CSCW, and pertaining the conduct of visitors, the design and evaluation of interactive installations for guidance and access, and the creation of novel artistic performances. The paper then presents a set of open challenges for future CSCW work, particularly regarding the very re-definition of heritage in light of the social and collaborative practices that have arisen in recent years within the museum and heritage professionals community, and the emergence of new roles and practices for organisations, staff, visitors and related stakeholders. The paper aims at consolidating the range of contributions that CSCW has made to cultural heritage and at outlining key issues and challenges for future research in this domain.
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    "Drops hollowing the Stone". Workarounds as resources for better task-artifact fit.
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Cabitza, Federico; Simone, Carla
    The paper reports on a systematic survey of the literature around the manifold theme of workarounds in CSCW and in so doing presents a range of definitions that focus on different aspects of this phenomenon. We also report a case study in a large hospital where we discussed with some key users the opportunity of a tool that could promote awareness of existing workarounds, as a way to provide feedback on the actual use of an IT application in a bottom-up fashion. This case study led to the design of a simple process annotation tool, where users could distinguish between different kinds of workarounds: either as misalignments with respect to the organization procedures, or circumventions of the technology supporting them, or both.
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    Temporality in Planning: The Case of the Allocation of Parking Areas for Aircrafts
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Redaelli, Ilaria; Carassa, Antonella
    Several recent studies have focused on plans as coordination devices, demonstrating how organisational members use such plans to organise and make sense of their work. This research project aims to foster empirical research on plans showing how operators at the centre of coordination in handling activities at an Italian airport plan the allocation of parking areas for aircrafts. Based on the analysis of the operators’ knowledge of the temporal features of planning, this research contributes to the understanding of how timely assistance for aircrafts on the ground depends on how spaces are allocated. This research highlights temporality in planning and promotes the understanding of the features of allocation and planning as situated and distributed activities.
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    Calendars: Time coordination and overview in families and beyond
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Bødker, Susanne; Grönvall, Erik
    This paper discusses how calendars and time coordination can be used across social and organizational borders, bridging between work and non-work, and between family coordination and external collaborators. The paper moves beyond family on-line calendars towards coordination and collaboration with professional caregivers and public authorities, and discusses how such shared calendars revitalize some of the very basic discussions of CSCW: The notion of shared goals in cooperative activities, the understanding of time and time-granularity in cooperation, common information spaces, and in particular boundary-crossing capacities and the holding back of information for fragmented exchange. Based on two cases, in which we have worked with sharing and coordination of time-resources in families on the one hand, and external parties such as external care-givers, employers and municipal authorities on the other, this paper will reopen these old CSCW debates. This paper questions if calendars, in particular family calendars should be designed based on shared goals and common interests. We argue that collaboration needs to be supported, even when families and their professional and amateur collaborators do not share the same goals, rhythms and routines.
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    Understanding Mobile Notification Management in Collocated Groups
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Fischer, Joel E.; Reeves, Stuart; Moran, Stuart; Greenhalgh, Chris; Benford, Steve; Rennick-Egglestone, Stefan
    We present an observational study of how notifications are handled by collocated groups, in the context of a collaborative mobile photo-taking exercise. Interaction analysis of video recordings is used to uncover the methodical ways in which participants manage notifications, establishing and sustaining co-oriented interaction to coordinate action, such as sharing notification contents and deciding on courses of action. Findings highlight how embodied and technological resources are collectively drawn upon in situationally nuanced ways to achieve the management of notifications delivered to cohorts. The insights can be used to develop an understanding of how interruptions are dealt with in other settings, and to reflect on how to support notification management within collocated groups by design.
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    Motivation-targeted personalized UI design: a novel approach to enhancing citizen science participation
    (ECSCW 2013: Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2013) Nov, Oded; Arazy, Ofer; Lotts, Kelly; Naberhaus, Thomas
    We report a preliminary exploration of the effectiveness of motivation-targeted UI design - a novel personalized approach to enhance online participation. The empirical setting was Butterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA), a large-scale citizen science project. Using a combination of design intervention and classification of users based on their collective identification motivation, we show that stating the community’s mission on its website increases the likelihood of contribution among those who strongly identify with the project, but decreases likelihood of contribution among those with weak identification with the project. The findings contribute to theory and practice of social systems design by demonstrating how motivation-targeted design that can enhance online participation.