ECSCW 2023 Panel, Workshops and Masterclasses

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  • Conference Paper
    The Ecological Underpinnings and Future Contributions of (E)CSCW
    (Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2023) Light, Ann; Rossitto, Chiara; Lampinen, Airi; Botero, Andrea
    When times change rapidly, the transformations around us ask us to consider whether our practices of research and scholarship are keeping abreast. Multiple crises are bearing down on us and only a change in Global North lifestyles and values will begin to address the world’s course towards major catastrophe. In this highly interactive panel, we unravel the ecological underpinnings of (E)CSCW to understand how it could contribute more fully to different sustainabilities and alternative futures. We consider (E)CSCW to offer a strength in its practice-oriented roots and its ecological understanding of socio-technical relations. We revisit these qualities in light of the need to embrace interdependence in all aspects of life and invite others to think with us about possible futures and the contributions (E)CSCW scholarship is poised to make in working toward them.
  • Conference Paper
    Experimenting with Ethnography: Making Time-Space for Analysis
    (Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2023) Winthereik, Brit Ross
    In this master class you will experiment with the concept ‘object exchange’ as described and developed in (Korsby & Stavrianakis, 2021). As preparation you will bring an object from your field of study. It can be anything from your field, an image, a recorded sound bite, a diary, a transcript, but also a smell or. as long as it has a physical form. Prior to the workshop you must also read read the Introduction to Experimenting with Ethnography: A companion to analysis (2021) Analysis as Experimental Practice. (Ballestero & Winthereik, 2021: 1-14) and Object Exchange (Korsby & Stavrianakis, 2021: 82-93).
  • Conference Paper
    Spatial tensions in CSCW: The political and ethical challenges of scale
    (Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2023) Lampinen, Airi; Rossitto, Chiara; Abbing, Roel Roscam; Light, Ann; Fedosov, Anton; Ciolfi, Luigina
    Activists of all generations unite! With the same goals, we are designing an alternative to Greta Thunberg's "Fridays for Future". While this movement is largely age-homogeneous, accuses its parents' generation, and relies on renunciation as a solution, we demand intergenerational cooperation, bracket moral arguments, believe in the power of innovation and make dialogue qua digital media strong. Our project is provocative and playful, as an opportunity to reflect on the ecologically and politically complex problem we are addressing today. As a result, we will present the name of the (fictitious) new alliance, its program, a manifesto, a flag, an anthem, a "key visual", posters, flyers, banners a strategy for the (digital) dialogue as well as the "pro's and con's" of the dogmas.
  • Conference Paper
    Implementing Electronic Health Records – Cases, Concepts, Questions
    (Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2023) Hertzum, Morten; Randell, Rebecca; Ellingsen, Gunnar; Grisot, Miria
    Learning is inherently social. This raises several questions that relate to how contexts and spaces can mediate co-creative learning. In this workshop proposal, we refer to the interrelated aspects of space, learning, and embodiment and how these aspects mediate the human-robot interaction. Our assumption is that robots are interpreted variously and used in different ways. We are interested in the interrelation between interpretation and use, which are constitutive for the establishment of different co-creative learning spaces. Reflecting on this leads to an understanding of what to look for in Participatory Design studies. It matters, for example, whether persons in a nursing home have any say at all in how robots are perceived and in what technical practices robots are to be integrated and adopted. This is a crucial aspect for the appropriation of technical artifacts and for the development of new (E)CSCW or HCI paradigms.
  • Conference Paper
    The digital public encounter
    (Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2023) Schmidt, Michaela; Farshchian, Babak A.; Hofmann, Sara
    The digitalization of the public sector impacts nearly all aspects of public service provision, including the interaction between citizens and public officials, also known as public encounter. This traditionally face-to-face interaction is being replaced by digital platforms, chat-bots, and self-services. Public encounters can be highly collaborative processes, e.g. in the provision of welfare services, that involve multiple stakeholders. The use of digital tools in these processes poses opportunities as well as challenges to the collaborative process and the public service provision in general. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with a common interest in the collaborative aspects of digital public encounter, how public officials and citizens communicate and cooperate through digital tools, and the long-term impact of these technological transformations. Topics include but are not limited to communication and collaboration processes in the digital public encounter, analysis of digital tools in the public encounter and theories and case-studies on how public encounters happen. We invite researchers as well as practitioners to participate in the workshop.
  • Conference Paper
    Collectively Improve the Quality of Life at Work: How and Which Data to Collect and Analyze?
    (Proceedings of 21st European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2023) Bossen, Claus; Chassot, Christophe; Datchary, Caroline; Grosjean, Sylvie; Guha, Shion; Lewkowicz, Myriam; Medjiah, Samir
    Digitization of work has expanded the possibility to collect traces of activities, and AI techniques now extend the potential for analyzing this large amount of data. This phenomenon is mostly associated with forms of control and evaluation of the activity of the employees, thus generating forms of resistance. It is therefore important to think about forms of collection and processing of this data that could improve quality of life at work, by tackling information, cognitive, or communication overload. Indeed, this data could be used to improve deliberation in organizations, by providing digital representations of the activity, which is not easy to grasp in day-to-day professional work. The objective of this workshop is to gather researchers interested in discussing how data could be collected, analyzed, and discussed to improve the quality of life at work: which data? Which methods for its collection and its analysis? Under which conditions?