ECSCW 2017 Panels, Demos and Posters

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  • Conference Poster
    Crowdsourcing community heuristic evaluations
    (Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - Panels, Posters and Demos, 2017) à Campo, Simon; Khan, Vassilis Javed
    Crowdsourcing is growing in both industry and academia, providing new ways to conduct work. However, these online working environments show similarities with the industrial revolution, were workers have few to no rights. Although crowdsourcing is a new phenomenon, online communities have quite some history. We find a resource in the literature on how to build online communities and applied them to crowdsourcing platforms. We have gathered and adjusted community heuristics to evaluate crowdsourcing platforms. To support the evaluation task, we have developed a system which we present as a demo:
  • Conference Poster
    Cooperative Live Coding of Electronic Music with Troop
    (Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - Panels, Posters and Demos, 2017) Kirkbride, Ryan
    Live coding is the process of generating audio or visuals using algorithms that are written, and re-written, live in front of an audience. In a typical performance the live coder will project their screen and share their code and creative processes with the audience. When playing together, a group of live coders will often share resources over a network, such as a tempo clock or lines of code, but rarely do they work together on the same material concurrently. Troop is an interactive text editor that allows multiple users to edit a text buffer simultaneously, evaluate portions of code, and create a shared and cooperative musical experience.
  • Conference Poster
    MUTE: A Peer-to-Peer Web-based Real-time Collaborative Editor
    (Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - Panels, Posters and Demos, 2017) Nicolas, Matthieu; Elvinger, Victorien; Oster, Gérald; Ignat, Claudia-Lavinia; Charoy, François
    Real-time collaborative editing allows multiple users to edit shared documents at the same time from different places. Existing real-time collaborative editors rely on a central authority that stores user data which is a perceived privacy threat. In this paper, we present Multi-User Text Editor (MUTE), a peer-to-peer web-based real-time collaborative editor without central authority disadvantages. Users share their data with the collaborators they trust without having to store their data on a central place. MUTE features high scalability and supports offline and ad-hoc collaboration.
  • Conference Paper
    A Constructive-Critical Approach to the Changing Workplace and its Technologies
    (Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - Panels, Posters and Demos, 2017) Møller, Naja L. Holten; Shklovski, Irina; Silberman, M. Six; Dombrowski, Lynn; Lampinen, Airi
    Implementation of technical systems into work practices can result in shifting the balance of power in terms of what is visible and what is hidden (Suchman 1994; Star & Strauss 1999) and in fundamentally changing the nature of work itself (Bannon 1994). Sometimes these changes can have unpredictable and even adverse effects on the stakeholders involved (Clement & Wagner 1995). ECSCW as a venue has not shied away from pointing out that there is politics to sociomaterial processes we observe and study (Bannon & Bødker 1997; Bjørn and Balka 2007). As work computerization begins to involve the digitization of work practices, however, more thorny political questions emerge. The workplace changes when the spheres of private life and work are blurred as sensors are attached to the employee in the workplace for tracking movement (Gorm & Shklovski 2016; Møller et al. 2017), when the workplace as a fixed physical location is dissolved as in the case of turning homes into “pop-up co-working places” (Rossitto et al. 2017), in the “sharing economy” (Zade & O’Neil 2016), in online labor platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk (Irani and Silberman 2013), or when workplace data-collection is management- rather than worker-centric resulting in employee exploitation (Dombrowski 2017). The challenge for CSCW research is to study the changing workplace and affect the nature of collaborative work with the aim of improving the design of computational systems, while attending to and perhaps improving the conditions for work.
  • Conference Poster
    Designing IT support for co-located synchronous innovation workshops
    (Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - Panels, Posters and Demos, 2017) Schön, Sabine; Koch, Michael
    The main goal of our research is to capture usage barriers and benefits of supporting synchronous innovation workshops, and then to design and evaluate a solution that addresses the barriers and raises the benefits. For capturing perceived usage barriers and benefits we conducted an interview study with meeting facilitators. The solution we designed from these requirements is based on a mobile phone app to capture results from paper posters and post-its, and to import these in an electronic workspace for presentation and further work. An evaluation of the solution in a real-world setting shows that the chosen balance of IT support and work with physical artefacts can provide a robust solution providing benefit to all.
  • Conference Paper
    Discerning Designers’ Intentions
    (Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work - Panels, Posters and Demos, 2017) Bardzell, Jeffrey; Boulus-Rødje, Nina; Muller, Michael; Salovaara, Antti; Krischkowsky, Alina; Fuchsberger, Verena
    Design is often done by teams of designers and other stakeholders. Design also creates a time-lapsed collaborative relationship between designer(s) and user(s), who “complete the design through use”. The intentions of designers in designing and crafting computational artifacts are therefore important for multiple HCI and CSCW related research and design traditions, including (a) appropriation studies, (b) participatory design, (c) design criticism, and (d) design collaborations in organizational contexts. All of these design philosophies handle intentions differently, including normative, organizational, and ethical aspects of what designers and designs ‘should’ intend. Some people consider intentions to be highly important, and demand explicit articulations of intentions; some people question whether we give the wrong kind of weight to designers’ intentions. With this panel, we will bring these notions to the discussion table to allow a deeper understanding of the diverse theoretical perspectives and research methods available to account for designers’ intentions. This will help to theorize design as a social activity, and to understand how people negotiate, evolve, and change designs over the lifecycle of a product or a system. This panel opens a conversation, comprising multiple perspectives, to help HCI and CSCW develop new ways to consider designers’ intentions from an empirical and theoretical perspective.