ECSCW 2020 Posters

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  • Conference Paper
    Novel Collocated Social Interactions To Inspire Video Conferencing Design
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Mitchell, Robb
    It is common to speak of video conferencing as opening “windows” between locations. But this neglects how various kinds of “walls” also impact on these connections. This poster offers an initial exploration of these twin qualities of video calls via reflecting on unusual interaction designs. Inspecting digital-bodily play, facilitation stunts, museum events, and social icebreaking installations can spark new ideas to improve video calls.
  • Conference Paper
    Work of the ‘Unemployed’: A Design Fiction
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Nielsen, Trine Rask; Holten Møller, Naja
    This paper presents a design fiction: a research prototype of a platform for unemployed individuals trading their personal data. The design fiction questions the ramifications of an understanding of data as individual property by showing a near-future speculative scenario of what government-driven job placement could look like. Which are the kinds of accountability and agency that could be leveraged in the context of job placement if data of unemployed individuals are considered property that can be traded with the public sector in return for support? An algorithm classifies the performance of unemployed individuals based on the data they upload. This way the algorithm becomes the central mechanism for accountability and control instead of the caseworker, who acts as an arbitrator between the individual citizen and algorithm. Our purpose with this paper, and the speculative research prototype, is to create a space for reflection on dilemmas in relation to data property, accountability, and agency in public services.
  • Conference Paper
    Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CRP): Collaboration in Medical Team Work
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Pitsch, Karola; Krug, Maximilian; Cleff, Corvin
    This paper investigates how situations of medical emergency (CPR) are organized as collaborative practice. Whilst studies have assessed CPR mainly with regard to timing of medical actions, we suggest that interactional micro-coordination between the participants and their involvement in multiple activities may contribute to such timing.
  • Conference Paper
    ‘Triage’ in Mass Casualty as Situated Interaction. Algorithm and Participation
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Pitsch, Karola; Bachmann, Peter; Dudda, Marcel
    This paper investigates how the pre-clinical ‘triage’ in field trainings of mass casualty incidents is realized as a collaborative, situated practice. Whilst triage algorithms are mainly presented as an individualistic decision process, we show – using video data – how the professionals’ practices are based on mutual monitoring and interactional coordination and thus provide for reflecting on decisions and preparing for next actions.
  • Conference Paper
    reSHAPe: A Framework for Interactive Explanations in XAI Based on SHAP
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Chromik, Michael
    The interdisciplinary field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) aims to foster human understanding of black-box machine learning models through explanation-generating methods. In this paper, we describe the need for interactive explanation facilities for end-users in XAI. We believe that interactive explanation facilities that provide multiple layers of customizable explanations offer promising directions for empowering humans to practically understand model behavior and limitations. We outline a web-based UI framework for developing interactive explanation flows based on SHAP.
  • Conference Paper
    FlexIA - A toolkit for the participatory information analysis in small and medium-sized companies
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Becks, Daniela; Kruse, Christian; Venhuis, Sebastian
    In times of industry 4.0 work processes are getting more and more complex.Thus, new technologies and digital tools are needed to assist especially small and medium-sized companies. The FlexDeMo project funded by ESF and BMBF focuses on this challenge. One main project goal is to develop a toolkit consisting of different digital assistants to support companies in participatory assembly planning and simulation. In this paper one of these tools, the FlexIA toolkit, is presented and first practical experiences using it are discussed.
  • Conference Paper
    Pre-beginnings in Human-Robot Encounters: Dealing with time delay
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Joline, Scheffler; Pitsch, Karola
    Based on a video corpus and logfiles of HRI in a museum guide scenario the paper investigates a model of a stepwise process for opening a focused encounter. Towards developing an autonomous system, a Wizard of Oz set-up is used to investigate strategies for dealing with a system’s time delay in the ‘pre-beginning’. Initial Analysis shows that the wizard orients to the visitor’s head orientation for proceeding to next steps.
  • Conference Paper
    Remote Collaboration using Mixed Reality: Exploring a shared model approach through different interaction methods
    (Proceedings of 18th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 2020) Barroso Rego, João Paulo; Fonseca, Luís; Marques, Bernardo; Dias, Paulo; Sousa-Santos, Beatriz
    In many situations, performing maintenance procedures can be facilitated by providing on-site professionals with the possibility to request assistance from remote experts, thus performing the task collaboratively. Since remote experts don't have access to the local environment, they need additional mechanisms to provide instructions and guidance in such context. In this ongoing work, we present a Mixed Reality (MR) platform that explores the use of a shared model approach for collaboration scenarios. The platform uses predefined 3D models, which can be accessed by remote experts using Virtual Reality (VR) and by on-site users through Augmented Reality (AR). In addition, the remote expert can manipulate virtual models using different interaction methods and devices, as a mouse and a keyboard (computer), an interactive projector (touch) and controllers (Head Mounted Display). Our goal was to enrich his experience and improve collaborative awareness. We conducted a preliminary user study to evaluate collaboration, and different interaction methods, using as case study the assembly of Lego blocks.