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  • Text Document
    The Sociality of Fieldwork: Designing for Social Science Research Practice and Collaboration
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Barkhuus, Louise; Brown, Barry
    Supporting scientific practice has been a longstanding goal of CSCW research. This paper explores how we might design for social science research practices and collaboration. Drawing on sixteen interviews with fieldwork-based social scientists we document the importance of small-scale long-term collaborative arrangements for research and intellectual work - pairs of researchers who work together in-depth over their careers, developing a common yet distinctive view of their research field. This contrasts with the large-scale short-lived collaborations that have classically been the target of cyber-infrastructure work. We describe technology practices among social scientists and how these can inform technology design for fieldwork practices.
  • Text Document
    Moving beyond Talking Heads to Shared Experiences: The Future of Personal Video Communication
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Neustaedter, Carman; Oduor, Erick; Venolia, Gina; Judge, Tejinder K.
    This workshop explores the future of personal video communications where systems and designs move beyond supporting conversations to a new design paradigm consisting of shared activities and experiences between distance-separated family and friends.
  • Text Document
    CSCL@work Revisited - beyond CSCL and CSCW? Are There Key Design Principles for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace?
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Goggins, Sean; Jahnke, Isa; Wulf, Volker
    We propose an interdisciplinary workshop to explore key design principles of collaborative learning in the workplace. The workshop's theme is, simply CSCL at the workplace". Our first workshop at ACM Group 2010, and the resulting book, raise an important set of issues and potentials for research, but does not solve the thorny and controversial issues. This workshop will be focused on for making progress on the identified issues. The ACM Group conference remains an ideal venue for a workshop on this topic because the North American and European communities who participate in Group include leading members of the international CSCL and CSCW communities. The proposed workshop will be a full day. It will open with a situating presentation by the organizers and, participant questions and proposed solutions aimed at the issues we have raised and begun to recognize, and focus working groups on the resolution of those issues in work to follow the conference. To participate in the workshop, discussants will be asked for a position paper of up to 2 pages in standard ACM format. Our edited book will be made available to participants in advance, and selected authors who will be present will provide overviews of their work and perspective in an interleaved way with the more action oriented working sessions."
  • Text Document
    Human Infrastructure as Process and Effect: Its Impact on Individual Scientists' Participation in International Collaboration
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Luo, Airong; Murphy, Margaret Ann; Hanss, Ted
    We adopt the concept of human infrastructure as our analytic lens to examine two high energy physics collaborations. Our analysis goes beyond the macro level of virtual organizations to include the human infrastructures in scientists' home institutions and personal networks. While previous literature tends to focus on the macro level of analysis of management and coordination within virtual organizations, our study concentrates on individual scientists, especially junior scientists' gains and challenges when participating in international collaboration. We compare the experiences of scientists from lesser-resourced and well-resourced nations to examine how specific components of basic social structures enable or impede individual scientists' participation in international collaboration. Identifying the social mechanisms that constrain scientists will enable us to better understand how to build human infrastructure to facilitate individual scientists' participation in collaboration.
  • Text Document
    Readers' Motivations to Participate in Hyperlocal News Content Creation
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Väätäjä, Heli
    Readers are increasingly participating to news content creation by submitting user-generated content (UGC). We studied the participation motivations of active readers who send photo content to a hyperlocal news publisher. The first results based on an online questionnaire indicate that fun, the opportunity to get a monetary reward and informing others of local issues are the strongest motivators. In addition, participation to the news making activity and self-expression are important motivations. Those who intentionally planned and searched for topics to report with photos, reported more often the opportunity for extra income and development as a photographer as participation motivations than those, who captured photos when a good topic came about.
  • Text Document
    Elastic Collaboration Support: From Workflow-Based to Emergent Collaboration
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Janeiro, Jordan; Lukosch, Stephan; Brazier, Frances
    This paper addresses the challenges of providing customized collaboration support to teams of experts. Current groupware systems only provide support for workflow-based collaboration, avoiding new forms of collaboration such as emergent collaboration. Therefore this paper proposes a elastic collaboration approach and its implementation in a groupware system.
  • Text Document
    GROUP Workshop Proposal: Collaboration in Managing Computer Systems
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Hawkey, Kirstie; Haber, Eben M.
    Collaboration is critical to the management of modern computer systems. At every scale, making computers work is a collective task, from enterprise systems where teams of disparate specialists work together to understand, manage, and maintain vast complex IT infrastructures, all the way down to individuals seeking online, family, and co-worker help on how to keep their personal computers running. Since 2007, the CHIMIT symposium has served as a venue for research on all aspects of HCI and the management of information technology. CHIMIT sits at the intersection of several research communities, and to better draw in people from these communities, we plan to hold a series of workshops emphasizing various aspects of HCI and IT management. For GROUP, we propose a one-day workshop examining the collaborative aspects of configuring, managing, and troubleshooting computer systems at all scales.
  • Text Document
    Knowledge Transferability in Partially Distributed Conceptual Design Teams
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Lee, Yoon Suk; Paretti, Marie C.; Kleiner, Brian M.
    In this paper, we aim to identify different types of knowledge that needs to be conveyed during a conceptual design task. We hypothesize that different types of knowledge has different transferability in a partially distributed team setting, and thus influences team members' communication behaviors. The impacts due to different transferability of design knowledge are discussed.
  • Text Document
    Collaborative Reflection at Work: Supporting Informal Learning at a Healthcare Workplace
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Prilla, Michael; Degeling, Martin; Herrmann, Thomas
    Reflection is a common means to improve work: Every day, people think back to past work and - oftentimes in a group - try to find out whether they can improve it or whether they can derive better practices from it. However, especially collaborative reflection is neglected in research and design and consequently, there are hardly any insights on how it takes place in the practice of daily work and how tools can support it. To shed light on these questions, this paper presents a case that has been analyzed in a hospital as part of a series of studies on collaborative reflection in practice. Focusing this case and backing it with the other studies, the paper presents peculiarities and needs of collaborative reflection in healthcare workplaces as well as a more general formalization of collaborative reflection characteristics. Based on these results, an application to support physicians in their reflection was prototyped and tested. The presented results primarily apply to healthcare workplaces, but also cover general findings for the support of collaborative reflection.
  • Text Document
    Session Details: Understanding Collaboration in Organizations
    (Proceedings of the 2012 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2012) Junuzovic, Sasa