InfraHealth 2023: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures for Healthcare

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  • Conference Demo
    AR in medical auscultation training
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Götz, Susanna; Müller, Nicholas
    The aim of the work "AR in medical auscultation training" is to use digital media to support and supplement medical knowledge transfer in the field of auscultation. The focus should be on the usefulness and supplementing, not replacing, teaching through digitalization. The prototype, which was created in practice, is intended to give aspiring physicians the opportunity to compensate for the lack of practice time in order to train their hearing.
  • Conference Paper
    Unlocking Service Provider Models: A Holistic Assessment Methodology for Complex Healthcare Service Infrastructures.
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Saxena, Siddhartha; Denzinger, Jochen; Riegler, Maurice
    This paper proposes a new methodology, the ‘Provider Model Canvas’ (PMC), for developing and mapping business models for multilevel healthcare service systems. It augments Osterwalder and Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas (2010) and its later revision, the Triple Layered Canvas (Joyce & Paquin, 2016). Some inadequacies of these approaches are highlighted, and the subsequent development and testing of the PMC are demonstrated through an ongoing healthcare research project on Augmented Intelligences (Engelbart, 1962) in healthcare entitled ‘Augmented Auditory Intelligence (A2I)’. The ...
  • Conference Paper
    Designing for Health, Engagement and Social-Interaction: A Multimodal and AR-based Sport System to facilitate digital Connectedness over Distances
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Unbehaun, David; Ahmadi, Michael; Aal, Konstantin; Coskun, Aydin; Jensen, Jule; Wulf, Volker; Ellinger, Jan; Mall, Christoph; Meixner, Charlotte
    This paper explores future opportunities for care through practice-based inter-ventions in real care settings and the use of design fiction as a method. Based on real innovation spaces within care-schools, we applied a design fiction approach to conceptualize and envision future care scenarios that include prototypical so-lutions for a digital transformation for both, people who in care contexts and people in need of care. We reflect on the content and implications of care fictions developed in collaboration with care-schools for shaping future systems of care and health in rural areas. With ...
  • Conference Paper
    Infrastructural Complexity: A Mapping of Medication Management in Norway
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Hertzum, Morten; Ellingsen, Gunnar
    Medication is key to the effective treatment of diseases but requires careful management to avoid errors that may harm patients. This study maps the Norwegian infrastructure for medication management. This infrastructure interlinks hospitals, nursing homes, home care, general practitioners, and so forth into an increasingly integrated record of each citizen’s medication. In spite of its electronic components, the infrastructure is inherently sociotechnical. Considerable human work goes into bridging the components. While cumbersome, the bridging work also introduces occasions for double ...
  • Conference Paper
    Preparing for Implementing Commercial Algorithms in Radiology: A Formative Evaluation Study
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Silsand, Line; Severinsen, Gro-Hilde; Kannelønning, Mari Serine
    This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the practical preparations necessary for adopting and scaling AI solutions in clinical radiology. Based on a longitudinal qualitative case study of a Norwegian health trust’s AI procurement for radiology and the trust’s further implementation preparations, the paper explores the following research questions: How does the healthcare organisation prepare for implementing CE-marked algorithms? How can a healthcare organisation establish acceptance among radiologists when implementing commercially available AI solutions for ...
  • Conference Paper
    The Narrative Future of (digital) Care – Envisioning Care Fiction(s) in Education-based and professional Care Settings
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Heinemann, Sonja; Manavi, Mehrbod; Taugerbeck, Sebastian; Bräuer, Julia; Wolf, Andrea; Colak, Cem; Müller, Dorothee; Sauerwald, Julia; Unbehaun, David; Wulf, Volker
    This paper explores future opportunities for care through practice-based inter-ventions in real care settings and the use of design fiction as a method. Based on real innovation spaces within care-schools, we applied a design fiction approach to conceptualize and envision future care scenarios that include prototypical so-lutions for a digital transformation for both, people who in care contexts and people in need of care. We reflect on the content and implications of care fictions developed in collaboration with care-schools for shaping future systems of care and health in rural areas. With ...
  • Conference Paper
    Smartorials – A Smart-Glass-Based Infrastructure for Knowledge Transfer in the Health Sector
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Gutzmann, Jan Christoph; Büttner, Sebastian Thomas; Prilla, Michael
    Knowledge transfer plays an important role but is still a challenge in the healthcare sector. In the past, the use of video tutorials has been explored to support knowledge transfer. However, the question of how to efficiently record video tutorials remains. With smartorials, we describe a smart-glass-based video-recording-system which represents a low-threshold way to integrate knowledge transfer into existing infrastructures. In this paper, we describe the system and present results of an exploratory study that focused on the preparation process of video tutorials. An interactive design ...
  • Conference Paper
    Social Robots in Care and Data Privacy - A European Perspective
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Carros, Felix; Wierling, Anne
    Social Robots increasingly become a challenge for data privacy regulations within care facilities, as they are not prepared for robots that can scan their surroundings and possibly share this data in real-time. The needs of stakeholders to these emerging challenges must be analyzed to apply existing data privacy rules. We collected data from stakeholders through interviews (n=66), surveys (n=271) and workshops (n=39). The data was analyzed towards opinions of data privacy concerning robots in care facilities. Our findings have then been contrasted to existing data privacy regulations (GDPR) ...
  • Conference Demo
    A Mixed Reality Approach for Enhanced Understanding and Empathy: Simulating Auditory and Visual Phenomena in Schizophrenia
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Weiß, Eva-Maria; Schüpfer, Emma; Müller, Nicholas; Unz, Dagmar
    Simulation-based learning using virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) provides an immersive experience for teaching practical skills. While widely used in healthcare and workforce training, AR/VR simulation in mental health is still emerging. Research suggests that these simulations can offer a unique perspective on mental illness and reduce stigma. However, the results are mixed, and further research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms. Factors such as empathy, knowledge, and visual design play a crucial role in successful interventions. Augmented reality allows for a ...
  • Conference Demo
    Designing a Vital Data Transmission in Rural Areas with Elderly Persons in Nursing Homes and at Home
    (Infrahealth 2023 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2023, 2023) Brombach, Nick; Keil, Alexander; Brück, Rainer; Ludwig, Thomas; Gaus, Olaf
    In this paper, we present a vital data transmission system, which aims to support general practitioners (GPs) in the process of digital vital data acquisition. The system consists of (1) an app that displays the GP’s prescribed vital signs and transmits the data recorded via medically certified devices to a medically certified cloud, and (2) a web interface through which the physician can create prescriptions and view vital signs. In addition, it provides further services such as a support functionality for patients and getting feedback from physicians on vital signs. It facilitates the ...