Conference Paper

Wearing a Hololens: A new dimension to remote presence in education


Based on a prior developed platform, we have implemented a Mixed Reality immersive 3D telepresence technology using Microsoft's Hololens. We have used this technology in a one week co-design workshop in Namibia, as well as in 3-day trial between Namibia and Finland, to explore and to derive future development strategies in regard to the technological capabilities as well as integration into educational systems. Participants can observe this system in operation and see how it works in practice with a Hololens 2 headset. The 3D capture part of the system will also be demonstrated in a proximate location.


Hahta, Sebastian; Teimouri, Maryam; Suovuo, Tomi; Auala, Selma; Rötkönen, Erkki; Mendes, Jason; Goagoses, Naska; Winschiers-Theophilus, Heike; Sutinen, Erkki (2023): Wearing a Hololens: A new dimension to remote presence in education. Supplementary Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Communities & Technologies. DOI: 10.48340/ct2023-2822. EUSSET

