Conference Paper

Centralized Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management: Findings and Implications

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ACM Press, New York


Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) has become an important aspect in crisis and disaster management. Volunteers undertaking relief efforts in affected areas are increasingly using information and communication technologies to coordinate their work. Relief organizations are recognizing this trend and have started to adapt new communication channels to interact with citizens. In this paper, we describe the crowdtasking approach, a centralized form of crowdsourcing for crisis and disaster management. We present a prototype implementation of the approach and report on our findings from the system's first field trial. We conclude by discussing implications of this approach for CSCW and community building in crisis and disaster management. Lastly, we give an outlook on future research based on our experience with crowdtasking.


Auferbauer, D.; Tellioğlu, Hilda (2017): Centralized Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management: Findings and Implications. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies. DOI: 10.1145/3083671.3083689. ACM Press, New York. ISBN: 978-1-4503-4854-6. pp. 173-182. Long Papers. Troyes, France. June 26-30, 2017

