Conference Paper

The role of clinical leadership in the implementation of large-scale Electronic Health Records in hospitals

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European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET)


Background: Many Information and Communication Technology (ICT) implementations fail to deliver described effects and organizational goals. Empirical evidence suggests that organizational and socio-technical challenges are frequently overlooked. Objective: The proposed PhD research project aims to develop theoretically informed guidelines and strategies for how clinical managers should be positioned and engaged in ICT implementation, change management and work practice adaptation. Methods: This qualitative study will employ an interpretive approach with data capturing at three different organizational levels: Top management, mid-level clinical management, clinicians. Empiracally we will use the implementation of a structured Electronic Health Record in Norwegian hospitals as case. Conclusion: A better understanding of how ICT portfolios can be governed, and how and too what degree clinical managers should be involved in an accusation and implementation process can improve outcomes and organizational effects of clinical ICT implementations. The proposed research project will study the implementation of large-scale clinical ICT, with the aim of identifying and describing strategies for what role and involvement clinical managers should have in both development, implementation and governance in order to facilitate the needed change management within own organization.


Malm-Nicolaisena, Kristian; Ellingsen, Gunnar (2019): The role of clinical leadership in the implementation of large-scale Electronic Health Records in hospitals. Infrahealth 2019 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Infrastructures in Healthcare 2019. DOI: 10.18420/ihc2019_003. European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies (EUSSET). PISSN: 2510-2591. Vienna, Austria. 30-31 May 2019


