Conference Paper

CityMaking!Wien a toolbox for the conception and design of Parklets in Vienna - A case study focusing on parklets in Vienna

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This paper discusses the role of digital tools in the engagement of citizens through a case study. The research proposes that digital platforms can be re-shaped to create new tools for citizen engagement. For this purpose we use an experimental online toolbox called CityMaking!Wien that allows citizens to see where they can build parklets in the city of Vienna, and also request permits through an online form. The toolbox is based on a potential map that deliv- ers a different perspective of urban spaces: instead of presenting public spaces as parking places, it presents them as potential green areas. The impact of this concept is assessed using three methods: automated data collection, interviews, and an online survey. The discussion questions the impact of online tools and also present a critical view on the limitations of technology to engage citizens.


Carvajal Bermúdez, Juan Carlos; Traunmueller, Martin (2019): CityMaking!Wien a toolbox for the conception and design of Parklets in Vienna - A case study focusing on parklets in Vienna. Supplementary Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies - Transforming Communities. DOI: 10.18420/ct2019-085. EUSSET. Vienna, Austria. June, 2019

