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My Reputation in the Web! Self-(re-)presentation and image management of female and male youngsters in Facebook

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The use of Web 2.0-technologies goes hand-in-hand with a users' public image. Today, youngsters especially have to face the challenge of balancing between protecting their privacy and updating as well as maintaining one's online image. This research paper titled "My Reputation in the Web" focuses on the online-identity management and image repertoire of male and female youngsters using Facebook. An intention of the research was to identify the different requirements, living conditions and living realities of young male and female web-2.0-users. Furthermore, a special aspect of this research is the focus given to acquire knowledge of the target-group concerning their safety and privacy in the social web. The survey, designed as actionorientated workshops, was carried out at five schools in Austria in February and June 2013. Based on the results of this empirical study, concrete tools and guidelines for teachers and trainers, such as a handbook and a train-thetrainer-E-learning course, will be developed by the end of September 2014.


Knoll, Bente; Fitz, Bernadette (2014): My Reputation in the Web! Self-(re-)presentation and image management of female and male youngsters in Facebook. GenderIT 2014. Full Papers




