Conference Paper

Solutions for Economics, Environment and Democracy (SEED)

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ACM Press, New York


Quality of life for growing numbers of people on the planet is threatened by a set of integrated, systemic problems in the economy, environment and democracy. The goal of the SEED project is to form an international network of scholar/activists, advocates, and practitioners who seek to address these problems in a similarly integrated fashion. We are approaching this in two ways: first, by developing an online platform that connects our participants and facilitates sharing and assessing ideas and action experiments operating in local, national and international arenas; and second, by organizing a set of in-person workshops and other meetings of participants. This Communities & Technologies Workshop would be the first of these in-person workshops. Our goals for the workshop are three-fold: first, to help shape the plans for the SEED community; second, to present and discuss innovative proposals and work in this broad area; and third, for a key set of our participants from Europe, North America, and elsewhere to meet in person to help establish and further the connections among us.


Bennett, W. Lance; Borning, Alan; Wulf, Volker (2017): Solutions for Economics, Environment and Democracy (SEED). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies. DOI: 10.1145/3083671.3083716. ACM Press, New York. ISBN: 978-1-4503-4854-6. pp. 329-330. Long Papers. Troyes, France. June 26-30, 2017

