Journal Article

Creating Heterogeneity – Evolving Use of Groupware in a Network of Freelancers

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This contribution is a long-term study of theevolving use of the organization-wide groupwarein a service network. We are describing thepractices related to organization-widegroupware in conjunction with localgroupware-related practices and how they haveproceeded since the organization wasestablished. In the discussion of thesepractices we are focussing on issues such as:1. tendencies for proliferation andintegration, 2. local appropriations of avariety of systems, 3. creative appropriations,including the creation of a uniqueheterogeneous groupware fabric, 4. the designstrategy of multiple parallel experimental useand 5. the relation between disparate localmeanings and successful computer supportedcooperative practice. As an overarching themewe are exploring the explanatory value of theconcepts of objectification and appropriationas compared to the concepts of design vs. use.


Törpel, Bettina; Pipek, Volkmar; Rittenbruch, Markus (2003): Creating Heterogeneity – Evolving Use of Groupware in a Network of Freelancers. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW): Vol. 12, No. 4. DOI: 10.1023/A:1026192900770. Springer. PISSN: 1573-7551. pp. 381-409

