COOP 2002: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Designing Cooperative Systems
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- Conference PaperReconciling Different Perspectives: An Experiment on Technology Support for Articulation(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Mark, Gloria; González, Víctor M.; Sarini, Marcello; Simone, Carla
- Conference PaperEngineering CSCW(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Lambie, ony; Long, John
- Conference PaperLet's Work Together: Supporting Two-Party Collaborations with New Forms of Shared Interactive Representations(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Scaife, Michael; Halloran, John; Rogers, Yvonne
- Conference PaperModelling Cooperative Work: Chances and Risks of Structuring(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Herrmann, Thomas; Hoffmann, Marcel; Kunau, Gabriele; Loser, Kai-Uwe
- Conference PaperUnderstanding the Benefits of Graspable Interfaces for Cooperative Use(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Hornecker, Eva
- Conference PaperGrowing Networks: Detours, Stunts and Spillovers(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Aanestad, Margunn; Hanseth, Ole
- Conference PaperDefining Task Interdependencies and Coordination Mechanism for Colaborative Systems(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Raposo, Alberto Barbosa; Fuks, Hugo
- Conference PaperCooperative Organizational Memories for IT-Based Process Knowledge Management(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Scheer, August-Wilhelm; Habermann, Frank; Thomas, Oliver; Seel, Christian
- Conference PaperThreeDness: Representing Awareness in cooperative Applications(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Nunnari, Fabrizio; Simone, Carla
- Conference PaperPutting CSCW in a Business Context - Implications for Research and Systems Design(COOP 2002: Cooperative Systems Design - A Challenge of the Mobility Age, 2002) Persson, Per-Arne