A Distributed Algorithm for Graphic Objects Replication in Real-Time Group Editors

dc.contributor.authorChen, David
dc.contributor.authorSun, Chengzheng
dc.description.abstractReal-time collaborative editing systems are groupware systems that allow multiple users to edit the same document at the same time from multiple sites. A specific type of collaborative editing system is the object-based collaborative graphics editing system. One of the major challenge in building such systems is to solve the concurrency control problems. This paper addresses the concurrency control problem of how to preserve the intentions of concurrently generated operations whose effects are conflicting. An object replication strategy is proposed to preserve the intentions of all operations. The effects of conflicting operations are applied to different replicas of the same object, while non-conflicting operations are applied to the same object. An object identification scheme is proposed to uniquely and consistently identify non-replicated and replicated objects. Lastly, an object replication algorithm is proposed to produce consistent replication effects at all sites.en
dc.publisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
dc.relation.ispartofProceedings of the 1999 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work
dc.subjectconsistency maintenance
dc.subjectcollaborative editing
dc.subjectdistributed computing
dc.subjectconcurrency control
dc.subjectgraphics editing
dc.titleA Distributed Algorithm for Graphic Objects Replication in Real-Time Group Editorsen
gi.citation.publisherPlaceNew York, NY, USA
gi.conference.locationPhoenix, Arizona, USA

