Pantidi, NadiaFerreira, JenniferBalestrini, MaraPerry, MarkMarshall, PaulMcCarthy, JohnAvram, GabrielaDe Cindio, FiorellaPipek, Volkmar2019-04-042019-04-042015978-1-4503-3460-0Recently, global economic turmoil has led to the rise of many grass-roots movements and communities that share a strong sustainability agenda and the desire for political, economic and societal change in the world. Digital technologies play a role in supporting these growing communities in achieving their goals, maintaining and extending their practices and connections. This marks a new area of research for HCI, that of Connected Sustainability. In this workshop, we seek to understand the values and practices of such communities; the role of digital technologies in shaping and sustaining identity and community action; and existing challenges and opportunities.encommunitiesdigital technologiessustainabilityConnected sustainability: connecting sustainability-driven, grass-roots communities through technologyText10.1145/2768545.2768563