Marttila, SannaBotero, Andrea2020-06-062020-06-06428262017 this paper we reflect on our involvement in the design and development of two information systems: Fusion and EUscreen . Both are infrastructural initiatives aimed at contributing, from different angles, to wider public access to and appropriation of the European digital cultural heritage. Our analysis is founded on the notions of an installed base and gateway in information infrastructure development. We situate our co-design activities and infrastructuring strategies in relation to a broader interest in advocating not only the preservation of and access to digital cultural heritage, but, more importantly, enabling collaboration, to support the emerging practices of diverse user groups, and to contribute to cultural commons .Co-designCommonsCultural heritageInfrastructuringPracticeInfrastructuring for Cultural CommonsText/Journal Article10.1007/s10606-017-9273-11573-7551