Aal, TanjaAal, KonstantinPerunneparampil, SoniaWulf, VolkerMüller, Claudia2023-08-292023-08-2920232510-2591https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/5005This work presents the development of an online platform (SpeakOut) which follows a user-centered participatory design approach considering stu- dents' interests. It was investigated how the graphical user interface of the appli- cation should be designed to provide a positive user experience. By involving individual interest groups, both improvement potential and requirements for the system are identified, adapted and transferred into a final prototype in several design iterations based on workshops, heuristic evaluation, a usability test, inter- views and guerrilla testing. More and more ...enSpeakOut – A digital platform for orientation and self- help for personal and social problems of students at universityText/Conference Paper10.48340/ihc2023_p002