Schäl, ThomasZeller, Buni2017-04-152017-04-151989The I Laboratory for Cooperation Technologies' is the first Italian activity in forthcoming cooperation technologies. It has the aim to observe, evaluate and test technologies in this area of research and compa~y-developments. A group of private and public Italian organizations participates in this circle which was founded in 1988. Promoters of the initiative are a consultancy company, a service-company for information and communication technologies and a software-house., Other subscribers for the laboratory are, at present, producers and suppliers of informations technology, banks, regional governments,service-companies for information and communication technologies, research centres, manufacturing, chemical and consuitancy. companies. The program consists of seminars, workshops, study tours and product tests. An Electronic Workgroup is going to he started based on a geographical network with' The Coordinator'. The Laboratory is actually addressing Italian companies. Future plans are to develop relationships at European level for the 1990s. Some members of the Laboratory have started with projects on cooperative work. One of the developed applications is a' hypertext-based management reporting, system. Another member of the Laboratory is using hypertexts for the accumulation and presentation of information, especially on Artificial Intelligence. Beside the more editorial applications for the creation of documents and information by a group of persons, there are projects to support the communication. In an Italian industriai group the communication technology is re-defined in the project' Message Handling System' to support gl'oupwork. A geographical network should support the communication and coordination of regional departments in a European project for the economical development of the territory. A consultancy company has developed a methodology to analyse and understand cooperative networks and to design them by choosing supporting tools and defining the required skills of human beings.enThe 'Labratory for Cooperation Technologies' and Italian Initiatives on Computer-Supported Cooperative WorkText