Grisota, MiriaKempton, Alexander2019-05-282019-05-282019Data-driven remote care involves more than just monitoring patients’ health values through digital means. It requires a two ways interaction between health professionals and patients where reciprocal trust and personalized care develop over time. For this to happen, continuity in interaction is crucial. In this study, we focus on the work of nurses to achieve continuity in data-driven remote care. Specifically, we focus on how nurses work on digital representations. This paper examines this issue through a case study of nurses work in a remote care center in primary care for patients with chronic conditions. We found that nurses work by enriching, tailoring and improving digital representations, and through these practices they support continuous interactions. Our findings show that the work on digital representations is highly iterative and show how the nurses work to keep the iterations going.enKeeping the loop going: representations and data practices in remote careText/Conference Paper10.18420/ihc2019_0082510-2591