Seitz, Julia2022-06-222022-06-222022 meetings are omnipresent in our daily life. Besides their widely acknowledged advantages, negative impacts in the form of the “ZOOM fatigue” phenomenon became increasingly observable. This feeling of exhaustion according to current knowledge is caused by a myriad of antecedents, where inappropriate or extensive use is recognized as a major driver for ZOOM fatigue. Currently proposed countermeasures are mostly related to changing user behavior and require action from the user. To shift the action from the user to the system, in my PhD project, I aim to design a user-adaptive video meeting system that automatically adapts based on the recognition of user’s current state with biosignals. Thereby, I plan to contribute with descriptive and prescriptive knowledge on user-adaptive video meeting systems.enDesigning User-Adaptive Video Meeting SystemsText/Conference Paper10.48340/ecscw2022_dc032510-2591