Moltubakk Kempton, AlexanderVassilakopoulou, Polyxeni2021-09-192021-09-192021 multiplicity of actors and the opacity of technologies involved in data management, algorithm crafting and systems ́ development for the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare create governance challenges. This study analyzes extant AI governance research in the context of healthcare focusing on accountability, transparency and explainability. We find that a significant part of this body of research lacks conceptual clarity and that the relationship between accountability, transparency and explainability is not fully explored. We also find that papers written back in the 1980s, identify and discuss many of the issues that are currently discussed. Up to today, most published research is only conceptual and brings contributions in the form of frameworks and guidelines that need to be further investigated empirically.enAccountability, Transparency and Explainability in AI for HealthcareText/Conference Paper10.18420/ihc2021_0182510-2591