Heinemann, SonjaManavi, MehrbodTaugerbeck, SebastianBräuer, JuliaWolf, AndreaColak, CemMüller, DorotheeSauerwald, JuliaUnbehaun, DavidWulf, Volker2023-08-292023-08-2920232510-2591https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/5030This paper explores future opportunities for care through practice-based inter-ventions in real care settings and the use of design fiction as a method. Based on real innovation spaces within care-schools, we applied a design fiction approach to conceptualize and envision future care scenarios that include prototypical so-lutions for a digital transformation for both, people who in care contexts and people in need of care. We reflect on the content and implications of care fictions developed in collaboration with care-schools for shaping future systems of care and health in rural areas. With ...enThe Narrative Future of (digital) Care – Envisioning Care Fiction(s) in Education-based and professional Care SettingsText/Conference Paper10.48340/ihc2023_p008