Sistrunk, Andreea2022-06-222022-06-222022 school districts play a pivotal role in the functioning of education systems around the world and society in general. Often the public school system relies on a proximity-based assignment to pair residences with neighborhood schools. Housing developments and increase in population generate a continuous need for more school space and redrawing the school attendance zone boundaries, known as rezoning. Rezoning implies debates and agreement over resource allocation in public deliberations held by school authority and community members. Unfortunately these debates are known to be highly contentious. My dissertation seeks to understand if we can improve the state of practice in public school boundary assignments, methodologies, and impact. Specifcally,I tryto (i)understandif thetraditionalprocessof in persondeliberationcan beneft from total or partial improvement through online participation, (ii) enhance the state of practice with interdisciplinary research from human computing interaction, geographical information systems, and education policies to decrease the complexity and abundance of information, connections, and judgement this process entails, (iii) understand if transparency of data backed decisions can remove bias and rebuild trust in this particular context.enPublic School Boundaries and SocietyText/Conference Paper10.48340/ecscw2022_dc012510-2591