Klein, SandraPrinz, Wolfgang2018-06-072018-06-072018Blockchain is a new, foundational technology with a vast amount of application possibilities. However, practitioners might not be aware of which use cases in their own business model might benefit from blockchain technology. To aid them in analyzing their business regarding blockchain suitability, this paper introduces a use case identification framework for blockchain and a use case canvas. In the development process they have been evaluated with internal and external reviews in order to offer the best possible guidance. In combination they offer an analysis framework to help practitioners decide which use cases they should take into account for blockchain technology, which characteristics these blockchain implementations would have, and which specific advantages they would offer.enBlockchainIdentification FrameworkUse Case CanvasA Use Case Identification Framework and Use Case Canvas for identifying and exploring relevant Blockchain opportunitiesText/Conference Paper10.18420/blockchain2018_022510-2591