Hayes, Niall2020-06-062020-06-06368312000http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1008795025075https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/3568This study examines how some employeescoped with the exceptions that they encountered withtheir on-going use of a co-operative workflowtechnology in an optronics company. By drawing on thecase material, this paper will indicate thatapproaches which view work as being capable of beingplanned and managed through the formal authority ofthe hierarchy are insufficient. Instead, this paperwill suggest that exception handling, work-arounds andimprovisation are more characteristic of humanactivity. Computer supported co-operative work will beconceptualised as being embedded in a dynamicrelationship between the context it is situatedwithin, and the actors that engage in it. Theprinciples underlying ethnography have informed theresearch approach.collaborative workflow technologyCSCWethnographyexception handlingimprovisationinterpretive studywork-aroundsWork-arounds and Boundary Crossing in a High Tech Optronics Company: The Role of Co-operative Workflow TechnologiesText/Journal Article10.1023/A:10087950250751573-7551