Kensing, FinnSimonsen, JesperBødker, Keld2020-06-062020-06-06360391998 address design of computer support for work and its coordination at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation. We propose design solutions based upon participatory design techniques and ethnographically inspired analysis within a full scale design project. The project exemplifies an ambitious, yet realistic, design practice, that provides a sound basis for organisational decision making and for technical and organizational development and implementation. We focus on cooperative aspects within and among the editorial units, and between editorial units and the editorial board. We discuss technical and organisational aspects of the design, seen in light of recent CSCW concepts, including coordination and computational coordination mechanisms, technologies of accountability, and workflow from within and without.coordinationcoordination mechanismsethnographyorganisational contextparticipatory designParticipatory Design at a Radio StationText/Journal Article10.1023/A:10086830043361573-7551