Leimeister, Jan MarcoKrcmar, Helmut2017-04-152017-04-152005978-1-4020-3591-3Virtual Communities (VCs) offer ubiquitous access to information and exchange possibilities for people in similar circumstances. This is especially valuable for patients with chronic / life-threatening diseases as they exhibit strong needs for information and interaction. Grounded on the preceding findings of the analysis on the user-centric construction of the VC krebsgemeinschaft.de, this article describes the evaluation of the underlying design elements and success factors by assessing the user’s acceptance and usage of the site. The results obtained empirically substantiated insights into the systematic development and operation of VCs in general and for a subgroup of cancer patients in the German healthcare system in particular.enAcceptance and Utility of a Systematically Designed Virtual Community for Cancer PatientsText10.1007/1-4020-3591-8_8