Stalder, CorentinLewkowicz, MyriamDucellier, Guillaume2022-06-222022-06-222022 digital twin is a key technology of Industry 4.0. It offers a digital replica of a physical system. As part of research work with SNCF RĂ©seau, we have sought to explore the role the digital twin can play to support coordination mechanisms. We conducted a multi- sited ethnography, which allowed us to define a technology probe to explore our research question in-situ. This exploratory work shows that the digital twin enables the rapid design of computational coordination mechanisms. Furthermore, we raise the point that a digital twin can bind descriptive information about the physical system and information used in coordination practices to move towards effortless coordination.enDigital twinrailway infrastructurecoordination mechanismstechnology probeThe potential of a digital twin to design computational coordination mechanisms. The case of the French railway infrastructureText/Conference Paper10.48340/ecscw2022_ep082510-2591