Björn, PernilleFiesler, CaseyMuller, MichaelPater, JessicaWisniewski, Pamela2023-03-172023-03-172018 technology and data access continue to evolve, research ethics in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and social computing are becoming increasingly complex. Despite increasing interest among researchers, there is still a lack of consistent community norms around ethical gray areas. One charge of the SIGCHI ethics committee is to help develop these norms by facilitating open conversations with different stakeholders. This panel will be an opportunity to develop a collective understanding of diverse perspectives on ethics, and to gather input from the GROUP research community around the ethical challenges we face as researchers who study social and collaborative computing systems and those who use these systems.enethicsresearch ethicsresearch methodssocial computingsocial normsResearch Ethics Town Hall MeetingText/Conference Paper10.1145/3148330.3154523