Čubranić, DavorStorey, Margaret Anne D.2023-06-082023-06-082005https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/4813Learning computer programming in a modern university course is rarely an individual activity; however, IDEs used in introductory programming classes do not support collaboration at a level appropriate for novices. The goal of our research is to make it easier for first-year students to experience working in a team in their programming assignments. Based on our previous work developing and evaluating IDEs for novice programmers, we have identified two main areas of required functionality: 1) features for code sharing and coordination; and 2) features to support communication. We have extended an existing teaching-oriented integrated development environment (called Gild) with features to support code sharing and coordination. We report on a preliminary study in which pairs of students used a prototype of our collaborative IDE to work on a programming assignment. The goals of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness and usability of the new features and to determine requirements for future communication support.engildteaching programmingCollaboration Support for Novice Team Programming10.1145/1099203.1099229