Whitaker, Randall2020-06-062020-06-0619931993http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00805693https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/3437A hermeneutic analysis of current group decision support systems (GDSS) is undertaken, interpreting their functionality, motivations, and usage to uncover theoretical/philosophical bases. GDSS treat decision making as a rational aggregation-and-selection of options ( take a given ) and support it as a production task conducted as if participants were remotely distributed. Employing a venue framework , this is analyzed as evidence for consistent, fundamental cognitivism and objectivism deriving from relevant historical influences. The contextualization and dialogic interaction ( give and take ) undervalued or ignored in current GDSS are identified as key issues for work toward constructively augmenting such systems.CSCWdecision makingGDSSgroup decision support systemvenue frameworkGDSS' formative fundamentsText/Journal Article10.1007/BF008056931573-7551