Stickel, O.Aal, K.Fuchsberger, V.RĂ¼ller, S.Wenzelmann, V.Pipek, VolkmarWulf, VolkerTscheligi, ManfredLewkowicz, MyriamRohde, MarkusMulder, IngridSchuler, Douglas2019-04-042019-04-042017978-1-4503-4854-63D printing has 1 become an area of intense interest in many disciplines ranging from industry through education, humanitarian and innovation contexts to research. At the same time, technologies, materials, usages and appropriation are in constant flux. 3D printing is but one of the many facet of digital fabrication, the digitalization of more sectors, "Industry 4.0" and increasing community-based innovation and (open/commons-oriented) engineering practices. This workshop is intended to illustrate and discuss cases, positions, concepts and experiences related to such developments in digital fabrication, especially in 3D printing. We specifically look for contributions highlighting the role of digital fabrication and 3D printing for the common good and the education sector. This is in line with C&T's socio-technical focus, research suggesting the immense potential in digital fabrication and education as well as growing practices in using digital fabrication/3D printing in humanitarian efforts.en3D printingadditive manufacturingcommon goodcommunity innovationdigital fabricationeducationmakermaking3D Printing/Digital Fabrication for Education and the Common GoodText/Conference Paper10.1145/3083671.3083708