Fagrell, HenrikLjungberg, FredrikKristoffersen, Steinar2017-04-152017-04-151999978-0-306-47316-6This paper reports fieldwork from the electrical utilities industry, examining the suitability of current knowledge management perspectives to the day-to-day work of mobile staff Reporting the results of the empirical study, we make a distinction between four aspects of local and mobile "knowledge managemenf as it took place in the mobile work settingsharing, i.e., several parties exchange knowledge; indexing, i.e., one party explains to another what knowledge to retrieve; diagnosing, i.e., two parties make sense of how to interpret a situation, and; foreseeing, i.e , one party (or more) uses knowledge to project the future. We compare and contrast the empirical findings with current knowledge management perspectives, and outline an initial sketch of a framework for "practical knowledge management."enExploring support for knowledge management in mobile workText10.1007/0-306-47316-X_14