Paparova, Dragana2021-09-192021-09-192021 paper investigates the process of opening-up digital platforms to accommodate patient-generated healthcare data (PGHD) and argues that in data platforms, barriers arise due to the entanglement of technology and policy. The empirical setting for the study is the opening up of a Norwegian eHealth platform for PGHD captured by external vendor technologies. The possibility to accommodate PGHD opens up new innovation arenas by recombining data from multiple sources and actors. However, such process is prone to a unique set of challenges when innovation is centered around data, instead of functionalities, such as: 1) open-up the data core using boundary resources; 2) control patient data across long chains of actors; 3) establish uniform rules to co-create data value. The findings show that the proves of opening up data platforms faces legislative barriers which should be overcome in a way that technology and policy enable each-other.enOpening-up digital platforms to accommodate patient-generated healthcare dataText/Conference Paper10.18420/ihc2021_0102510-2591